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Playhouse Extreme Ecstasy... £14.16
Extreme Ekstase. Dieses Spielzeug ist ein klassischer, unglaublich schlanker Vibrator und verfügt über 6 Pulsationsfunktionen mit einem einfachen One-Touch-Knopf an der Basis. Superschlanker Vibrator 6 Pulsations- und Stimulationsprogramme Steuerung per Knopfdruck Wasserdicht Länge: 16 cm Erhältlich in: Perlmutt Pink und Lila
Mini-Mite-Vibrator und Zu... £5.83
Die Verpackung kann variieren. Passen Sie Ihr Vergnügen mit der Mini-Mite perfekt an. Dieser klassische Leckerbissen im Taschenraketenstil ist diskret, reisefreundlich und sachlich, mit einer Orgasmusgeschwindigkeit, die Sie schnell und einfach zum Höhepunkt bringt. Über den dreifach mit Nieten besetzten Kopf, der allein für kraftvolles Klitorisvergnügen sorgt, können Sie einen von drei mitgelieferten Köpfen mit einzigartiger Textur platzieren. 1 AA-Batterie nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten Produktspezifikationen Länge: 4 Zoll Umfang: 3,25 Zoll an der größten Stelle Breite: 1 Zoll an der größten Stelle Materialien: ABS-Kunststoff Batterie: 1 x AA-Batterien
Kleiner Vibrator aus Plat... £324.99
Der Little Platinum von Jimmyjane ist ein eleganter und diskreter Vibrator aus Platin und Edelstahl. Mit seinem praktisch geräuschlosen Motor passt der Little Platinum problemlos in eine Handtasche und sorgt für diskretes Vergnügen unterwegs. Erhitzen Sie Little Platinum in warmem Wasser oder Ihrer heißen kleinen Hand, um es zu beruhigen, oder kühlen Sie es im Kühlschrank, um es an einem warmen Sommertag zu verwöhnen. Bietet interne, G-Punkt- und Klitorisstimulation Patentierter austauschbarer Motor ohne Durchbrennen des Vibrators Hergestellt aus medizinischen Materialien Spülmaschinenfest Hergestellt aus Platin und Edelstahl Wasserdicht und tauchfähig Kompakt mit abnehmbarem Akku und Motor für ideales Reisen Größe 5,25" x 0,67"
MUFF Taucheruhr £50.00
Die MUFF-Taucheruhr ist für den ursprünglichen Profi gedacht. Mit ihrem markanten, tiefschwarzen, strukturierten Zifferblatt und den leuchtenden Zeigern ist diese Uhr nichts für schwache Nerven. Die Black and Blue MUFF-Uhr verfügt über ein langlebiges, weiches schwarzes Kautschukarmband, eine einseitig drehbare Lünette, ein Datumsfenster und eine verschraubte Krone für eine Wasserdichtigkeit bis 10 atm (330 Fuß). Das Gewicht des massiven Edelstahlkopfes in Kombination mit dem weichen Gummiband verleiht MUFF Diving eine neue Bedeutung; Tragen Sie es, wenn Sie sich trauen Farbe: Schwarz und Blau
Mr. John Liebespuppe £21.66
John wird Sie oral oder mit seinem 23 cm großen vibrierenden Penis befriedigen! Lebensgroßes männliches Modell Aufblasbare Puppe mit Mundöffnung Inklusive separatem Saugnapf-Penis mit Multi-Speed-Vibrator
Penisator £4.16
Lelo Tor 2 £99.99
Für Sexkenner ist TOR™ 2 der raffinierteste vibrierende Penisring der Welt, der Ihnen sowohl aufregendste als auch intensivste Freuden bietet. Das glatte Silikondesign bietet 100 % stärkere Vibrationen als jedes andere Produkt seiner Art und passt bequem in alle Größen. Es sorgt für langanhaltende Präsenz bei Ihnen und erstaunliche Empfindungen bei Ihrem Partner. GRÖSSER, LÄNGER, STÄRKER FÜR DIE VOLLSTÄNDIGE ZUFRIEDENHEIT DES PAARES Intensivieren Sie das Vergnügen für Sie beide mit dem besten vibrierenden Penisring, den es gibt. VIELE TRAGEMÖGLICHKEITEN FÜR ABENTEUERLICHEREN SEX Drehen Sie TOR™ 2 nach oben oder unten, um es in jeder gewünschten Position zu genießen. Kontrollierbarerer Orgasmus für intensiveres Liebesspiel Hilft Ihnen, den Orgasmus zu erkunden, damit Ihr Höhepunkt intensiver wird. Materialien: Körpersicheres Silikon Beenden: Matt Größe: 60 x 42 x 42 mm / 2,4 x 1,7 x 1,7 Zoll Gewicht: 30 g / 1,1 oz Durchmesser: 29 mm / 1,1 Zoll. Akku: Li-Ion 70 mAh 3,7 V Aufladen: 2 Stunden bei 5,0 V 500 mA Benutzerzeit: Bis zu 1,5 Stunden Standby: Bis zu 90 Tage Frequenz: 120 Hz. Max. Geräuschpegel: 50 dB Schnittstelle: 2 Knöpfe
Sqweel 2 – Das meistverka... £16.66
Im Gegensatz zu allen Sexspielzeugen, die Sie jemals zuvor gesehen haben, ist der Sqweel 2 der weltweit meistverkaufte Oralsex-Simulator für Frauen. Mit der Kraft weicher Zungen lecken und kitzeln Sie Ihre süßen Stellen für packende Orgasmen. Der einzigartige Hand-Oralsex-Simulator verfügt über 10 superweiche Silikonzungen, 3 leistungsstarke Geschwindigkeiten, reversibel, neuen Flimmermodus und leise. Innovativer Oralsex-Simulator mit 30 % mehr Leistung als der ursprüngliche Sqweel 10 Silikonzungen drehen sich mit 3 leistungsstarken Geschwindigkeiten Wenderad für abwechslungsreiches Vergnügen Flimmerfunktion für intensivere Stimulation Im kompakten, reisefreundlichen Koffer Wir empfehlen immer die Verwendung unseres Bar Lube auf Wasserbasis, es steigert das Erlebnis komplett.
Tom Chase Bälle (Klein) £16.66
Super Dooz 3400 Verzögeru... £7.49
Das Super Dooz 3400 Spray. Der große Bruder des Superdrachen! „Wenn Sie heute etwas tun können, dann schieben Sie es nicht auf morgen, denn morgen kommt vielleicht nie.“ Jetzt mit zusätzlichem Vitamin E bietet Ihnen dieses Super Dooz 34000 Dragon Delay Spray noch mehr für Ihr Geld. Super Dragon ist vielleicht das meistverkaufte Delay-Spray aller Zeiten und jetzt ist das Super Dooz 34000 Dragon Delay Spray in einer noch größeren Spraydose erhältlich. Tragen Sie etwa 5 bis 10 Minuten vor jeder sexuellen Aktivität zwei Sprühstöße Super Dooz 34000 auf die Eichel Ihres Penis auf. Es wurde entwickelt, um eine Überempfindlichkeit gegenüber Ihrer Männlichkeit zu vermeiden und Ihnen so dabei zu helfen, länger als zuvor Leistung zu erbringen. Aerosol-Sprühdose 45 ml Enthält: Lidocain USP + Vitamin E 100-200 Anwendungen
Super Dragon Verzögerungs... £11.66
Wenn Sie das Liebesspiel länger genießen und den Höhepunkt hinauszögern möchten, ist Super Dragon 6000 Spray genau das Richtige für Sie. Dieses Verzögerungsspray für Männer ist hochwirksam und unglaublich einfach anzuwenden. Tausende Männer auf der ganzen Welt vertrauen darauf und es sind nur zwei Sprühstöße etwa 5 Minuten vor der sexuellen Aktivität erforderlich.
System JO H2O aromatisier... £5.83
Fruchtig und lecker, das System JO H2O Flavoured Lubricant ist ein Genuss für beide Partner. Genießen Sie es, den Körper Ihres Liebhabers zu küssen und den Apfelgeschmack abzulecken, während die seidenweiche Oberfläche dieses hochwertigen Gleitmittels auf Wasserbasis die Empfindungen und Ihre allgemeine sexuelle Zufriedenheit steigert. Im Gegensatz zu einigen aromatisierten Gleitmitteln ist die System JO H2O-Reihe frei von künstlichen Süßstoffen und hinterlässt daher keine klebrigen Rückstände oder einen unangenehmen Nachgeschmack. Genießen Sie einfach das lang anhaltende Gleiten, das die intimen Momente mit Sexspielzeugen oder einem Liebhaber noch schöner macht. Die 30-ml-Tube ist ideal für schnelle Begegnungen oder wenn Sie ein Gleitmittel benötigen, das Sie diskret aufbewahren können. Wir empfehlen dieses Gleitmittel, wenn Sie Oralsex mögen, da der Geschmack dieses Zeugs unglaublich lecker ist! Die verschiedenen Aromen und Geschmacksrichtungen sind so genau, dass Sie sie in Cocktails mischen können! Was will man mehr von einem Gleitmittel? Zutaten: Glycerin, gereinigtes Wasser, Polysorbat 20, Aroma (Aroma) Cellulosegummi, Methylparaben, Propylparaben.
KINK von Doc Johnson: Wet... £20.83
Wenn es an der Zeit ist, etwas Strafe auszuteilen, hilft Ihnen die Meisterschürze von Kink by Doc Johnson dabei, sie auszuteilen. Eine strategisch platzierte Frontklappe lässt sich öffnen und aufklappen, um Ihre Waren zum Service zu präsentieren, während Innentaschen Ihre Folterwerkzeuge in diesem atmungsaktiven, wasserdichten Fetisch-Kleidungsstück, das für alle flüssigen Spiele geeignet ist, immer griffbereit halten. Ganz gleich, wie unangenehm es Ihnen geht, die Master-Schürze bleibt dank ihrer attraktiven schwarzen Beschläge und stabilen Schultergurte genau dort, wo Sie sie haben möchten. • Flüssigkeitsdichte Schürze, geeignet für alle Spiele mit Flüssigkeiten • Mittellanges Design • Verstellbare Schnallenriemen • Reißverschlussklappe an der Vorderseite für einfachen Zugang und Aufschluss • Innentaschen • Weiches, atmungsaktives Material ist leicht zu reinigen • Waschmaschinenfest
Schwanz- und Hodenkappe £8.33
Plüschkappe mit ausgeprägtem Penis und Hoden oben. 100% Polyester. Nur von Hand waschen (zweimal schütteln und damit spielen). Eine Größe passt meistens
Vac-U-Lock Silikon-Peggin... £124.99
Unser perfektes Strap-On-Erlebnis ist mit der Deluxe-Linie der Vac-U-Lock™-Geschirrsets mit umfassendem Service von Doc Johnson gesichert. Bereit für einen Rollentausch-Ausflug? Die drei schlanken, maßgeschneiderten Aufsätze des Vac-U-Lock Platinum™ Silikon-Pegging-Sets aus Platinum™ Premium-Silikon sind speziell geformt, um die Prostata zu stimulieren, und so dimensioniert, dass sie verschiedene Erfahrungs- und Komfortniveaus bieten. Befestigen Sie diese glatten, nicht-anatomischen Aufsätze Ihrer Wahl über den mitgelieferten Vac-U-Lock™-Stecker am Supreme Harness, passen Sie die verstellbaren Riemen an Ihren Körper an und tragen Sie etwas wasserbasiertes Mood-Gleitmittel auf, und schon sind Sie bereit erforschen.
Flüssigkeitsvibrator von ... from £1.66
Unser brandneuer Flüssigkeitsvibrator von Secret Play! Intensivieren Sie Ihre Orgasmen und sorgen Sie mit unserem intensiv stimulierenden Gleitgel für atemberaubende Vibrationen ! Wählen Sie aus 4 neuen Sorten: Hot Liquid Vibrator: Mit Erdbeer- und Sahnegeschmack, der auch ein unglaublich wärmendes, summendes Gefühl erzeugt. Fresh Liquid Vibrator: Mit frischem Minzgeschmack, der ein angenehmes, kühlendes Kribbeln vermittelt. Unisex-Flüssigkeitsvibrator: Fügen Sie diesen Flüssigkeitsvibrator zu Ihrem Paarspiel mit diesem lustvollen Gleitmittel hinzu, das sowohl für Männer als auch für Frauen geeignet ist. Bewerben Sie sich, wo immer Sie möchten! Starker Flüssigkeitsvibrator: Dieser EXTRA STARKE Flüssigkeitsvibrator, der die kolossalsten Vibrationen erzeugt, wird Ihren ganzen Körper mit Sicherheit zum Zittern bringen!!!
Svenjoyment Net Jockstrap £20.83
Your best asset will be shown off when you wear this jockstrap made out of supportive net. The extra wide waistband and the fact that it is open at the back complete the erotic look.
Gartered Body Chain £12.49
Encircling the waist and upper thigh, this body chain beautifully frames and accents. The rhinestones and silver will shine against your skin, creating a truly bedazzling effect.   One Size Clasp Closures on qaist and thigh circlets
Dr. Laura Berman Dilatato... £10.83
Ganz gleich, ob Sie mit Beschwerden beim Geschlechtsverkehr oder sexuellen Ängsten zu kämpfen haben oder einfach nur an der Kraft Ihres Beckenbodens arbeiten möchten, das Berman Center Dilator Set™ als Neuheit bietet alles, was Sie brauchen, um Ihre Vaginalmuskulatur und Ihren Beckenboden zu trainieren und so die Lust am Sex zu steigern Leben. Das Dilator Set™ beginnt bei einem Umfang von 2,75″ / 7 cm und geht bis zu 4,75″ / 12,©m und eignet sich für jede Frau, unabhängig von ihren sexuellen Herausforderungen. Die Vibrationsoption trägt dazu bei, den Dilatorgebrauch klinischer zu gestalten, indem der Fokus sowohl auf das Vergnügen als auch auf das Training gelegt wird. Das Dilatator-Set™ umfasst einen vibrierenden Dilatator, der unabhängig voneinander verwendet werden kann, sowie 3 abgestufte, austauschbare, ineinandergreifende Dilatatorhülsen und eine weiche Silikonhülle. Das einzigartige Verriegelungssystem sichert Ihren Dilatator an den Ärmeln. Stapeln Sie die Ärmel auf die gewünschte Größe. Für zusätzlichen Komfort und Vielseitigkeit ziehen Sie die Silikonhülle über.
Realistic Prone Bone Sex ... £499.99
Introducing the Realistic Prone Bone Sex Doll PDX Extreme Fuck Me Silly 3 Mega Masturbator, an exquisite creation for those who crave the ultimate pleasure experience. Crafted with precision, this lifelike lower half of a woman sets a new standard in intimacy.Feel the warmth and softness as you dive into a world of unrestrained satisfaction. Every inch is designed to mesmerise, from the adorably detailed size 6 1/2 toes to the hyper-realistic curves of her body. This is more than just a sex doll; it’s an alluring companion ready to fulfil your desires.With over 20 lbs. of our unique Fanta Flesh® material, she envelops you in a luxurious embrace that mimics real skin. Her inviting tightness ensures a thrilling encounter, whilst her hyper-realistic legs provide stunning visuals that add to the whole experience. Enjoy her voluptuous form and let your fantasies run wild. Innovative design features lifelike legs and a soft, inviting texture that enhances your pleasure. Versatile use offers options for both internal and external stimulation, making it perfect for foot jobs and more. The sound of her big round ass as you indulge will transport you to a realm of ecstasy. She’s always ready for action—no commitments and no worries. Whether you choose to lay her down or explore various positions, the realism of this sex doll guarantees an unparalleled experience.Dive into your desires with the Realistic Prone Bone Sex Doll. This Mega Masturbator is an all-access pass to pleasure, bringing your wildest dreams to life. Elevate your intimate moments with a companion that always leaves you wanting more.
Realistic Male Sex Doll P... £333.33
Experience unparalleled pleasure with our realistic male sex doll, the PDX Extreme Fuck My Hard Cock. Crafted from the incredibly lifelike Fanta Flesh material, this mega masturbator recreates the ultimate intimate experience. Designed for those who crave companionship and satisfaction, this stunning sex doll is ready to fulfil your wildest fantasies. Feel the seductive curves and firm features as you caress his lifelike form. The doll's thick, bendable cock is not only easy to manipulate, but it also warms to your body, ensuring that your experience is as authentic as it gets. With this exceptional sex doll, you can say goodbye to disappointing moments; he's always ready for action and equipped to deliver mind-blowing sessions. Whether you want to explore sensual pleasures or indulge in more risqué adventures, this realistic male sex doll caters to your desires. His expertly crafted physique promises to excite, while his versatile design allows you to engage in a variety of positions. Luxurious Fanta Flesh material replicates the feel of real skin, providing a lifelike touch and sensation. Always firm and ready, ensuring that your pleasure is never interrupted. Bring him into your intimate encounters for an unforgettable experience that adds spice to your bedroom routine. No need for jealousy; this charming companion will blend seamlessly into your love life. Place him on the bed, sink, or table—let your imagination guide you to new heights of pleasure! Rediscover passion and excitement with our realistic male sex doll, designed to elevate your pleasure and satisfaction. Don't wait, bring this hard-bodied friend into your home today, and explore the boundaries of intimate joy like never before!
Realistic Torso PDX Extre... £333.33
Experience unmatched pleasure with the Realistic Torso PDX Extreme Fuck Me Silly 2 Mega Masturbator. Weighing in at over 12 lbs., this exceptional piece is crafted from soft Fanta Flesh®, designed to mimic the sensation of real skin for an ultra-realistic experience. Every inch of this extraordinary masturbator is created to indulge your fantasies and provide the ultimate satisfaction. With a sculpted body and attention to detail, this realistic torso masturbator offers thrilling adventures at your fingertips. You can squeeze her voluptuous 36DD breasts and feel the lifelike texture as you slide your member between them for an unforgettable titty-fucking experience. Whether you're penetrating her warm, inviting pussy or exploring her tight ass, this dual-function design promises to deliver mind-blowing sensations. Realistic Feel: The Fanta Flesh® material mimics real skin, providing a sensation so lifelike, you'll forget it's a toy. Easy Storage: With a discreet design, this mega masturbator can conveniently tuck away under the bed or in your closet when not in use. Feel free to fill her with every inch of your manhood, then either cum deep inside or unleash your load over her enticing curves. The openings connect to a single 7-inch canal designed to flex around your shaft, ensuring an incredibly tight and stretchy fit that enhances pleasure with each use. The Realistic Torso PDX Extreme Fuck Me Silly 2 is your ultimate escape, offering a no-strings-attached experience. Indulge your desires anytime, anywhere—she's ready when you are. Say goodbye to worries, commitments, and complications. This luxurious masturbator is your perfect partner for satisfying your deepest cravings.
PDX Extreme Fuck Me Silly... £374.99
Experience unparalleled pleasure with the PDX Extreme Fuck Me Silly Mega Masturbator. This luxurious, realistic masturbator redefines intimate satisfaction with its lifelike design and incredible features that guarantee a thrilling experience every time. Crafted from over 20 lbs. of soft Fanta Flesh®, this premium masturbator envelops your shaft, providing an irresistible sensation that mimics the feeling of real flesh. With this ultra-soft material, you'll be transported to a world of decadent pleasure where each thrust is met with responsiveness akin to the real thing. One of the standout features is its uniquely engineered deep openings, allowing for a more immersive experience. The redesigned pussy and ass openings are not only deeper than previous models, but they also boast thicker walls for added stimulation. You'll find that every stroke feels extraordinarily lifelike and fulfilling. Realistic Experience: The detailed design ensures each curve and contour mimics the true anatomy, providing a feel that is as close to reality as possible. Always Ready for Action: This masturbator stands ready whenever you are, providing a consistently fulfilling experience without the need for breaks or downtime. With the PDX Extreme Fuck Me Silly Mega Masturbator, you can explore your deepest desires with no limitations. Indulge yourself in an experience that is always warm, inviting, and gratifying. Don't settle for less; treat yourself to the ultimate in pleasure that only a realistic masturbator can provide. Flip her over and discover the delights awaiting you, whether it's for solo play or to spice up your intimate moments.
Life-Size Butt Masturbato... £458.33
Introducing the PDX Extreme Fuck Me Silly Bubble Butt – the ultimate addition to your collection of premium adult products. This Life-Size Butt Masturbator redefines pleasure with a design that is both striking and incredibly realistic. Crafted for those who seek the utmost in satisfaction, this foot-long masterpiece weighs an impressive 32 lbs., providing a robust experience that will leave you breathless. The ultra-soft Fanta Flesh® material wraps around you, mimicking the warmth and feel of real skin. Indulge in sensations that are far beyond the ordinary, making each encounter unforgettable. Key benefits include: Unmatched realism: With every thrust, experience the jiggle and sway of a genuine bubble butt as this Life-Size Butt Masturbator moves in response to your desires. Versatile pleasure: Enjoy access to both the tight anal and inviting vaginal openings. This design allows you to switch between sensations while indulging in your fantasies. Feel free to be as adventurous as you desire. Spank her cheeks and hear the satisfying sound that echoes your excitement. With her soft skin, you can squeeze, manipulate, and fully explore every inch. Once you're ready to dive deeper, her inviting pink pussy lips are always eager for action, providing a feel that often leaves you wanting more. Post-play cleanup is effortless, ensuring your experience is worry-free. The smooth surface allows you to maintain hygiene with minimal effort, enabling you to enjoy your moments of pleasure whenever the mood strikes. Elevate your intimate experiences with the PDX Extreme Fuck Me Silly Bubble Butt, the Life-Size Butt Masturbator crafted for those who dare to indulge their wildest fantasies.
VacuGLIDE Autoblow: Premi... £691.66
Experience unparalleled pleasure with the VacuGLIDE Autoblow Suction-Aided Milking Machine. This cutting-edge device redefines self-pleasure, seamlessly blending technology and sensation. Crafted from high-quality aluminium, the Autoblow VacuGLIDE promises not only visual appeal but also robust performance that will take your intimate experiences to new heights. No Erection? No Problem Lube up and insert, even flaccid. The vacuum-assisted suction will help get you hard and then get you off. With its innovative suction system, the VacuGLIDE Autoblow brings you toe-curling stimulation that feels incredibly realistic. Weighing only 12 pounds (5.4kg), it’s surprisingly portable without compromising on power. The machine features electronically operated valves that allow you to customise your experience with precise control over the suction strength, stroking speed, and distance, catering to your unique desires. The VacuGLIDE comes with three interchangeable silicone sleeves that accommodate various sizes while enhancing sensitivity. You can easily swap the sleeve to match your mood or preference, ensuring a personalised session every time. The easy-to-use four-button interface keeps everything at your fingertips, allowing you to adjust settings without interrupting your flow. For your convenience, the machine and all accessories are beautifully housed in a discreet, high-quality backpack. This design not only ensures safe storage but also makes it easy to transport your favourite plaything wherever you go. Moreover, the Autoblow VacuGLIDE operates quietly, letting you indulge in pleasure without disturbing anyone around you. For the ultimate experience, be sure to use water-based lubricant on the device and sleeves, allowing for optimal glide and sensation. Here's a quick overview of essential specifications: 🐮 World’s most pleasurable milking machine🤯 Unlocks incredible pleasure from suction😭 Forces an orgasm, willing or unwilling!🍆 Works even on flaccid penises🏋️ Industrial grade construction - 14 pounds!🎛️ Fully digital control + electronic valves🥕 Includes 3 sizes of strokers to fit all men🎒 Includes free discreet storage backpack Allergens: Latex-Free, Phthalate-Free Features: Handsfree Waterproof: No Elevate your pleasure journey with the VacuGLIDE Autoblow—where luxury meets satisfaction in every exhilarating use.
Leg Spreader Faux Leather... £20.83
Indulge in a world of exquisite pleasure and thrilling excitement with our luxurious Leg Spreader Faux Leather Bondage Harness Thigh Restraint. Designed for the discerning individual, this piece not only elevates your intimate adventures but also ensures ultimate comfort and safety, making it perfect for BDSM beginners and experts alike. Crafted from premium cushioned faux leather, it promises a sumptuous feel against the skin, making every encounter unforgettable.This leg spreader is a versatile addition to your bondage collection. Whether you are a seasoned enthusiast or a curious beginner, the adjustable sizing accommodates a variety of users, ensuring a snug fit for pleasures untold. With a maximum length of 27.6 inches (70 cm), securing your partner in an alluring submissive position has never been easier.Our bondage harness doesn't just serve a functional role; it enhances the experience. The thoughtfully designed cushion provides soft support for the thighs and neck, allowing for prolonged use without discomfort. Embrace the freedom to explore new realms in your intimate life, from the comfort of your home to exciting escapades in hotels or private retreats. Safe Quality Guarantee: Each product undergoes meticulous selection and quality control to ensure it reaches you in perfect condition. If you encounter any issues, our customer service team is ready to assist. Comfortable Wear: The soft PU leather material combined with high-density polyurethane cushioning offers a snug yet comfortable fit, making it ideal for hours of playful restraint. Experience the thrill of domination and surrender with this leg spreader, designed to heighten arousal and connection between partners. With its soft material and adjustable features, you can easily integrate this harness into your erotic play, creating memorable moments that ignite passion. Adjustable Size: Max length of 27.6 inches (70 cm) for a universal fit. Soft Material: Made from plush PU leather and cushiony high-density polyurethane for ultimate comfort. Transform your exploration of bondage into a luxurious affair. Whether for play or fantasies, our Leg Spreader Faux Leather Bondage Harness is the perfect companion to elevate your intimate experiences. Embrace the art of restraint and enjoy the journey of pleasure with sophistication and ease.
Sexy Gifts Calendar 2024 ... £124.99
Step into a world of sensuality and excitement with the 2024 Sexy Gifts Calendar: Naughty & Nice Edition. This luxurious advent calendar is designed to elevate your holiday season and ignite passion in your relationship. Packed with 24 unique and playful gifts, each day unveils a surprise that promises to enhance your intimacy, whether you're flying solo or sharing the experience with a partner. The sexy gifts calendar is not just an ordinary countdown to Christmas; it's a playful journey exploring desire and connection. Every carefully curated item serves as an invitation to try something new, deepening the bond between you and your loved one. Imagine delighting in an array of enticing items, from tantalising ticklers to seductive games, each crafted to bring out your wild side. Diverse Selection: Discover an exciting mix of pleasure-enhancing products, including a Magic Wand, Vibrating Penis Ring, Rabbit Vibrator, and more. Each day holds the promise of new delights, sparking joy and exploration. For Everyone: This calendar is suitable for couples, men, and women, providing something for everyone. Enjoy playful challenges with Dice for playful challenges, or enhance your experience with items like our Orgasm Delay Gel or Nipple Clamps. Anticipation builds as you wait for Christmas, transforming each day into a celebration of passion. With items like a luxurious Massage Candle, daring Handcuffs, and enticing Dildo, the Sexy Gifts Calendar offers a variety of experiences designed to fulfil fantasies and create lasting memories. Also included are essential toys such as a Beaded Necklace, Butt plug, playful Room Mist, and Tickler that will ramp up the excitement in your intimate moments. The 2024 Naughty & Nice Sexy Gifts Calendar isn’t just about countdown; it’s about connection, fun, and exploration. Embrace the festive spirit with this exquisite selection of adult gifts and let the playful side of your relationship flourish. Elevate your winter nights and celebrate intimacy like never before!
Satisfyer Advent Calendar... £108.33
Indulge in a truly enchanting holiday experience with the exquisite Satisfyer Deluxe Christmas Calendar. This enticing advent calendar is designed exclusively for adults seeking a mix of pleasure, passion, and playful exploration. With its lavish presentation, it's the ideal gift for couples, individuals, or anyone eager to elevate their intimate moments during the festive season.Each day offers an exciting surprise, making your countdown to Christmas as thrilling as it is pleasurable. The Satisfyer Advent Calendar is more than just a collection of items; it’s an invitation to explore new heights of intimacy and enjoyment. Featuring a sophisticated array of products, this calendar sets the stage for delightful discoveries and stimulating experiences. Experience 24 days of intrigue with varied surprises, including toys, BDSM delights, and sensual accessories. Discover top-sellers from Satisfyer and exclusive luxury items, all crafted to heighten pleasure and satisfaction. Inside this luxurious box, you'll uncover a world of erotic treasures: from tantalising sex toys for both men and women to intimate accessories designed to stimulate, seduce, and arouse. The calendar also includes exquisite lingerie and a selection of massage oils to enhance relaxation and intimacy.Prepared for the ultimate festive thrill? This advent calendar is perfect for those ready to embrace their desires while adding a dash of excitement to their daily routine. Priced attractively and featuring a variety of high-quality products, it's an essential part of your holiday celebrations.Enjoy an impressive total value of over £550, showcasing: 24 unique adult products and accessories 3 Satisfyer bestsellers 1 Penthouse lingerie bestseller 1 Satisfyer massage oil 1 Anal Relax fluid A seductive card game Unwrap the joy of the Satisfyer Deluxe Christmas Calendar this holiday season and delight in the luxurious pleasures it has to offer. Your adventure into the world of intimate exploration starts now!
Le Wand Necklace Recharge... £66.66
Experience the allure of pleasure and elegance with the Le Wand Necklace Rechargeable Vibrator. Ingeniously crafted for both public and private adventures, this unique vibrator effortlessly blends functionality with style. As a wearable accessory, it doubles as exquisite jewellery that enhances your outfit while keeping your most intimate desires close at hand. The Le Wand Necklace is designed for those who appreciate discretion. This slim and sophisticated vibrator features 8 sensual vibration modes that cater to your every whim, and operates whisper-quiet, allowing you to indulge in pleasure without drawing attention. With an intuitive one-touch control, you can switch between settings with ease, ensuring a seamless experience whether you’re at home or on the go. Crafted from body-safe metal, this luxurious accessory not only pleases the senses but also prioritises your health. Its detachable design allows you to unclip the vibrator from the sleek, 26-inch nickel-free stainless-steel chain, which includes a 4-inch extender for the perfect fit. Key Features: Eight whisper-quiet vibration modes for personalised pleasure. Detachable design offering versatility for discreet storage and use. Included with your purchase is a USB charger, ensuring your Rechargeable Vibrator is always ready for action. The micro-suede travel pouch allows for discreet storage, making it perfect for travel or simply keeping your delights close to you wherever you are. Unveil a new dimension of pleasure with the Le Wand Necklace Rechargeable Vibrator. Embrace the fusion of style and sensuality, and let your desires be your guide while you wear this stunning piece.
POWER UP - Men's Manual P... £16.66
Elevate your intimate moments with our amazing MEN - Penis Pump, designed specifically for those who seek to enhance their confidence and pleasure. This premium-quality product is easy to use, offering a manual operation that allows you to control your own experience. When you reach the desired size or firmness, simply use the release valve for a seamless relief whenever you desire to stop. Crafted with your comfort and safety in mind, the penis pump features an ergonomic handle that provides a secure grip. The transparent design allows you to witness your progress in real-time, giving you an exhilarating visualisation of your enlargement journey. With a precise scale clearly marked on the device, you can monitor every increase in length, boosting your confidence as you see the results. Our MEN - Penis Pump is not just for those looking to boost their size; it can also serve as a solution for men experiencing erectile dysfunction (ED). It's a discreet yet effective way to restore intimacy and pleasure. Consider incorporating this device into your foreplay routine for enhanced satisfaction. For an even greater experience, add a quality cock ring to your purchase. Custom Control: Take charge of your pleasure with easy manual operations. Visible Results: The transparent design and precise scale allow you to see and track your growth. Whether you're addressing ED or simply looking to amplify your sexual experiences, this penis pump is an outstanding choice. Invest in your sexual health and elevate your pleasure with this exquisite product.
Doc Johnson Signature Dol... £958.33
Introducing the exquisite Doc Johnson Signature Dolls Life Size TransGirl Doll - Natalie Mars. Crafted to perfection and moulded from chest to thigh, this life-size replica toy is a testament to luxury. Experience pure pleasure as you indulge in the ULTRASKYN material, delivering an unparalleled sensation. Embodying the beauty and sensuality of multi-award-winning transgirl porn star Natalie Mars, this doll is truly in a league of its own. With a perfectly squeezable pair of breasts, a penetrable ass designed with a unique internal anal texture, and a 5.5-inch cock that can both top and bottom, this doll offers limitless possibilities. Key Features: Designed by Doc Johnson Signature Dolls Meticulously crafted from chest to thigh for a life-size replica experience Feel the lifelike ULTRASKYN material warm to the touch as you explore the delightful features of this doll. Its lifelike texture and attention to detail will leave you breathless, offering an intimate experience that is aesthetically pleasing as it is tantalizing. The included vibrator, a 20-function black rechargeable marvel, adds an extra layer of pleasure. Its use is enhanced by a specially designed cavity that completes the experience, ensuring the utmost satisfaction in every encounter. Designed with convenience in mind, this doll includes a rolling bag for discreet travel and storage. Phthalate-free and body-safe, you can indulge in pure luxury without compromising your health or wellbeing. Add an element of refinement to your intimate moments with the Doc Johnson Signature Dolls Life Size TransGirl Doll - Natalie Mars. Experience the epitome of indulgence, and let your desires run wild with this unparalleled companion.
Doc Johnson Signature Dol... £958.33
Introducing the Doc Johnson Signature Dolls Life size TransGirl Doll - Lena Moon. This award-winning doll is a life-size replica of the popular transgirl porn star, Lena Moon, meticulously molded from chest to thigh for an incredibly realistic experience. Handcrafted with the utmost attention to detail, this doll is made from ABS and ULTRASKYN materials, ensuring the ultimate feel and durability. Its lifelike ULTRASKYN material warms to the touch, adding an extra layer of realism. Featuring a 5-inch dual-density cock, this doll is usable, bendable and posable, allowing you to explore various positions and experiences. The penetrable ass is designed with a unique internal texture that further enhances the pleasure. Additionally, the perfectly squeezable breasts provide a lifelike feel that is both firm yet soft. Create unforgettable moments with a life-size doll molded directly from Lena Moon, capturing her unique features and beauty. Enjoy a realistic and satisfying experience with the 20-function black rechargeable vibrator included, designed to fit perfectly into the doll's cavity. With incredible attention to detail, this doll faithfully replicates Lena Moon's appearance and physique, providing an immersive experience like no other. For discreet travel and storage, this TransGirl Doll comes with a rolling bag, ensuring privacy wherever you go. Rest assured, this doll is phthalate-free and body-safe, prioritizing your health and satisfaction. Discover a world of pleasure and indulge in the luxury of the Doc Johnson Signature Dolls Life size TransGirl Doll - Lena Moon. Elevate your intimate experiences and embrace the true essence of luxury.
Prowler Red Dom Socks - L... £9.16
Step into a world of dominance and style with the exquisite Prowler RED Dom Socks. Crafted to perfection, these socks are more than just an accessory - they are a symbol of power and authority that will elevate your presence to new heights. Designed with the discerning dominant man in mind, these socks exude luxury and sophistication. The deep shade of red, combined with the masterfully embroidered Prowler logo, commands attention and demands respect. Engineered using the highest quality materials, these socks offer unparalleled comfort and durability. They will not only withstand the test of time but also provide a snug fit that embraces your feet with every step. Make a statement of dominance with every stride Perfect for expressing your role in the BDSM community Embrace your dominant side and let the world know that you are in control. Whether you're attending an exclusive event or lounging in the comfort of your domain, the Prowler RED Dom Socks will accentuate your style and assert your authority. Leave a lasting impression wherever you go. Command attention with every movement. These socks are more than just an accessory - they are a reflection of your power. It's time to elevate your wardrobe and embrace your dominance. Step into the world of the Prowler RED Dom Socks and let your presence be felt.
Large Jelly Dong-9.5 Inch... £27.49
Embark on a journey of unrivalled pleasure with our exquisite Transparent Realistic Suction Cup Dildo. Elevate your intimate experiences to new heights with this luxurious creation designed to fulfil your deepest desires.               Feel the opulent realism as this transparent masterpiece glides effortlessly, imparting unparalleled pleasure with each touch. The smooth, lifelike texture enhances your sensations, creating a sumptuous indulgence like no other.             Indulge in hands-free bliss with the robust suction cup base, offering limitless possibilities for pleasure on any flat surface. Liberate your fantasies as this stunning dildo stays securely in place, empowering you to explore realms of ecstasy without inhibition.        Immerse yourself in total satisfaction with a generous total length of 10 inches and an insertable length of 9.25 inches      Experience premium quality and luxurious sensations with the craftsmanship of high-grade TPE material               Transparent realistic design      Hands-free pleasure with suction cup base     Total length: 10 inches / 25.5 cm        Insertable Length: 9.25 inches / 23.5 cm    Diameter: 2 inches / 5 cm     Made from TPE for a truly opulent experience 
Unihorn Karma Lilac - 10 ... £33.33
Experience the epitome of pleasure with our NEW Unihorn – KARMA LILAC. This elegant unicorn vibrator is designed to awaken your senses and take you on an ethereal journey of blissful satisfaction. Indulge in the enchanting power of Karma Lilac, a petite mini vibrator that will unlock your potential for pleasure. With 10 vibration speeds and 10 tongue motion patterns, this exquisite device offers an unparalleled range of sensations to explore and enjoy. The unique thrumming mouthpiece and reverberating core of Karma Lilac create a rhythmic massage experience unlike anything you've ever felt before. Allow the gentle caress of the unicorn's tongue to ignite your excitement and guide you to new heights of pleasure. Discover your unique pleasure point with Karma Lilac and embark on a sensual journey catered specifically to your desires. Immerse yourself in a world of unadulterated luxury, where every moment is filled with decadence and pure indulgence. Unleash the power of 10 vibration speeds and 10 tongue motion patterns for a customized pleasure experience. Enjoy the unique thrumming mouthpiece and reverberating core, delivering a tantalizing rhythmic massage experience. The Unihorn – KARMA LILAC is meticulously crafted from high-quality materials, ensuring both durability and comfort during use. Its compact size makes it the perfect travel companion, ready to accompany you wherever your desires take you. Experience the magic of the unicorn vibrator phenomenon with Karma Lilac. Let it guide you to a world of unexplored pleasure, where fantasy becomes reality and ecstasy knows no bounds.
8.5 inch Realistic Vibrat... £44.16
Dive into pleasure with our 8.5 inch Realistic Vibrating Silicone Dual Density Girthy Dildo with Suction Cup and Balls. Indulge in the perfect blend of size, texture, and power for an unforgettable experience. Crafted with care, this girthy dildo is made from premium, realistic silicone that mimics the feel of skin. Its dual density design ensures a soft and supple outer layer coupled with a firm inner core, providing a truly lifelike sensation that will leave you craving more. Equipped with a powerful suction cup, this dildo offers hands-free fun on any smooth surface. Simply stick it to a wall, floor, or shower and explore your desires without limitations. The addition of lifelike balls adds a thrilling extra layer of stimulation, making this dildo the ultimate pleasure companion. Experience customizable satisfaction with the 10 vibration modes. From subtle pulsations to intense vibrations, find the perfect rhythm to fulfill your desires. The single, powerful motor delivers deep, rumbling sensations for maximum pleasure. Designed for convenience, this dildo is USB rechargeable, ensuring that you never run out of power when the moment strikes. Forget about batteries and embrace the freedom of endless pleasure sessions. Our girthy dildo is harness compatible, opening up a world of possibilities for strap-on play. Explore new dynamics and take your intimate experiences to new heights. Realistic silicone for a lifelike feel Powerful suction cup for hands-free enjoyment Specifications: Length: 8.5 inches Diameter: Girth 6" Vibration modes: 10 Material: Silicone Power: USB Rechargeable Get ready to embrace the pleasures of our 8.5 inch Realistic Vibrating Silicone Dual Density Girthy Dildo with Suction Cup and Balls. Your satisfaction awaits.
Ozzy Automatic Thrusting ... £66.66
With an enticing, realistic opening, slip inside and plunge into lifelike Flesh. Designed to deliver the smoothest, slickest strokes, the ultra-soft tunnel is filled with ridges and bumps to tease, excite and satisfy. As the snug-fitting chamber grips around you, adjust the level of thrusting for customized pleasure. Product dimensions:  11.02 x 4.53 x 4.53 inches  
Rose Toy -Suction Clitora... £24.99
Indulge in luxurious pleasure with the exquisite Rose Sex Toy for Women-Suction Clitoral Vibrator by Scandals. This beautifully designed vibrator is a masterpiece crafted to elevate your intimate moments to unparalleled heights. Experience the powerful sensations of the 10 dynamic functions that the Rose Sex Toy offers. Let each vibration pattern take you on a journey of bliss, customizing your pleasure with just the touch of a button. The elegant rose-shaped design of this clitoral vibrator exudes sophistication and charm, adding a touch of glamour to your pleasure repertoire. Made from premium body-safe silicone, it glides over your skin with a velvety smoothness, ensuring a luxurious and comfortable experience every time. Convenience meets sophistication with the USB rechargeable feature of the Rose Sex Toy. Say goodbye to the hassle of batteries and effortlessly recharge your toy for endless pleasure sessions. Perfect for those on the go or when you desire a quick recharge between indulgent moments. Embrace sensory delights with the waterproof construction of the Rose Sex Toy. Let the waves of pleasure wash over you in the bath or shower as you explore new sensations in the soothing ambiance of water. Unlock new levels of pleasure as the powerful vibrations caress your most sensitive areas. Experience discreet ecstasy with the whisper-quiet operation of the Rose Sex Toy. Your intimate moments remain your secret as the vibrator operates at a noise level of less than 60DB. 10 powerful vibration functions for customizable pleasure USB rechargeable for convenient use anytime, anywhere
Prowler Backless Brief m... £13.33
These stylish backless briefs from Prowler are certain to get heads turning! Made from a polyester and spandex blend, the classic Prowler paw logo. Being backless underwear, these briefs also have an open rear, meaning you can show off your butt whilst wearing them to get people salivating! Material: 92% Polyester, 8% Spandex
ManSqueeze ULTRASKYN Mast... £41.66
Holen Sie sich Ihren Mann. Die Main Squeeze-Linie von Doc Johnson mit Hartschalen-Masturbatoren bietet jetzt Man Squeeze an, eine Kollektion, die speziell für Männer entwickelt wurde, die Männer lieben.
Mann quetscht JJ Knight S... £41.66
Aufgrund der überwältigenden Nachfrage der Fans gesellt sich JJ Knight – Ihr Lieblingsjunge aus dem Süden aus Memphis, der zum möbelzerstörenden Men.com-Star wurde – mit einem Hartschalen-Strakler mit variablem Druck, der direkt aus seinem Arsch geformt wurde, zur Man Squeeze-Reihe. Der Man Squeeze von JJ ist aus naturgetreuem ULTRASKYN handgefertigt und verfügt über eine enge, strukturierte Innenseite, die sich bei Berührung erwärmt und sich genau wie das Original anfühlt. Jeder Man Squeeze verfügt über eine andere Innenstruktur und eine vom Benutzer steuerbare Quetschplatte, wodurch Ihr Erlebnis so einzigartig ist wie jeder unserer sexy Stars. Das Hartschalen-Design mit Doppelkappe dient gleichzeitig als diskrete Reise- und Aufbewahrungstasche und hält Ihren Man Squeeze frisch und bereit, wann immer Sie Lust dazu haben.
Svakom Avery Schubvibrato... from £49.99
Entfachen Sie Ihre Leidenschaften mit dem Svakom Avery Thrusting Vibrator. Seine fünf Muster und Intensitäten ermöglichen es Ihnen, neue Ebenen des Vergnügens und gewagter Empfindungen zu erkunden. Wagen Sie den Sprung – machen Sie eine wilde Fahrt und spüren Sie die 100 % wasserdichten Vibrationen. Nehmen Sie die Herausforderung an!

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