Unlock a world of pleasure with Scandals' collection of adult toys, lingerie, menswear, and sexual health essentials. Whether for solo play, enhancing intimacy, or exploring prostate and anal stimulation, we offer everything to satisfy every desire. Enjoy free delivery on orders over £30, easy returns, and our price-beating promise. Shop confidently with Scandals for the best prices and service. Explore our range now for an unforgettable journey of pleasure!
Squeezer Teaser Clover Ni...
Der perfekte Genuss für alle, die die süße Vorfreude genießen, gehänselt zu werden. Die Clover-Nippelklemmen und -Kette senden nicht nur ein lustvolles Kribbeln durch Ihren Körper, wenn sie an Ihre Brustwarzen geklemmt werden, sondern genießen Sie auch das Vergnügen, wenn sich die Klammern durch den Zug der Silberkette festziehen. Überlassen Sie Ihrem Partner die Kontrolle über die Kette und genießen Sie es, da die Metallglieder auch beim Kontakt mit der Haut für sensorische Erregung sorgen.
Auf beiden Seiten dieser attraktiven Klemmen im Kleeblatt-Stil befinden sich weichere, gepolsterte Polster, die aufgrund ihres festen Halts nur wenig Komfort und Entspannung bieten.
Ideal für den Einsatz beim Sinnesspiel und in Verbindung mit einem Federkitzler oder einer leichten Peitsche.
Fun Factory BÜCK DICH - K...
Mit diesem verstärkten Spanking-Paddel aus Silikon können Sie mit leichten Schlägen beginnen und zu einer Tracht Prügel übergehen, die selbst den enthusiastischsten Kinkster zufriedenstellen wird. Sobald sie heiß und genervt sind, drehen Sie das Paddel um und verwenden Sie den geriffelten Griff, um ihrem G-Punkt oder ihrer Prostata zu zeigen, wer der Boss ist!
Zwei Spielzeuge in einem: Ein Spanking-Paddel mit Dildogriff
Wechseln Sie mit demselben Tool von Disziplin zu Belohnung
Liefern Sie leichte bis intensive Prügel
Geriffelter Schaft, der bei jeder Bewegung massiert
Fester Kern für bessere Kontrolle
Abmessungen - 31,5 cm und Ø 44 cm
Nancy Spitzenhöschen – Sc...
Superweiche weiße Spitze
Gewagtes Design
Tief geschnitten
Super sexy Cut-Out-Höschen aus elastischer Spitze.
Halbtransparente Streifenoptik
Figurschmeichelndes Design
Äußerst auffällig im Alltag
Heiße Streifen! Figurschmeichelnde Hose in halbtransparenter Streifenoptik. Bequem und dehnbar. Auch im Alltag sind sie ein echter Hingucker. 90 % Polyamid, 10 % Elasthan.
Envy weiße Mikrofaser-Unt...
Superweicher Mikrofaserstoff
Schlankes, passendes Design
Savage Masturbator-Ei von...
Wir stellen eine neue Innovation von Satisfyer vor, die EGGCITED-Serie, eine Kollektion masturbierender Eier.
Hergestellt aus flexiblem Material und weichen Innentexturen, gelingt es ihm, maximal zu stimulieren – diese Masturbator-Eier bestehen aus dem revolutionären Hydro-Active-Material, sodass Sie kein Gleitmittel benötigen. Tragen Sie einfach ein wenig Wasser auf und das Gefühl wird völlig realistisch sein natürlich rutschig und angenehm.
Masturbator Egg Riffle
Material: TPE Hydro-Active
Angenehme Texturen im Inneren
Sehr flexibel
Keine zusätzliche Schmierung erforderlich
Große Nippelklemmen mit K...
Extra große Klammern
Starke Metallkette
Gummierte Spitzen für Komfort
Diese robusten Nippelklemmen sind stark, einfach zu verwenden und passen sich allen Ihren Wünschen an. Die extra breiten Spitzen verteilen den Druck der Nippelklemme auf die gesamte Brustwarze und sorgen so für ein tolles Gefühl. Die Metallkette rundet das Erlebnis ab. Halten Sie es fest und ziehen Sie vorsichtig an den Klemmen, um die Kontrolle zu verlieren. Lassen Sie Ihren Partner die Kette und die Klemmen handhaben. Sind Sie bereit für ein aufregendes neues Abenteuer im Schlafzimmer?
Der realistische Crazy Bu...
Hergestellt aus echter Haut, einer der realistischsten Häute in der Erotikbranche. Diese exakt nachgebildete Muschi und der Arsch in Originalgröße können auf jede ebene Fläche gelegt und von beiden Öffnungen aus betreten werden. Holen Sie sich maximales Vergnügen und Befriedigung mit einem der besten realistischen Sexspielzeuge für Männer mit vibrierenden Muschis und Ärschen, die heute erhältlich sind. Diese Muschi liebt es, gut betreut zu werden, und ein paar gute Ohrfeigen werden auch nicht schaden. Diese absolut unwiderstehliche, realistische Muschi und der realistische Arsch sind mit kräftigen, vibrierenden Eiern und einer Steuereinheit mit mehreren Geschwindigkeiten ausgestattet.
TPR Realistisches BaileSkin-Material
Festziehen und schrumpfen
Super realistische Doppeleingänge
Der realistische Vagina- und Analmasturbator. Die Vagina, mit der alles begann, jetzt mit der realistischsten Haut aller Zeiten. Das geriffelte Design an der Innenseite stimuliert den Penis beim Ein- und Ausstoßen!
Benötigt 3 AAA-Batterien, nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten
2 für 20 £ in ausgewählte...
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Dies ist ein Dummy-Produkt und darf nicht gelöscht oder verändert werden .
Dummy-Produkte sind für die Funktion der Bundle Builder-App unerlässlich.
Erfahren Sie hier mehr: https://docs.bundlebuilder.app/reference/dummy-products
Love Arrow Vibrierender A...
T-förmiger Ankersockel
Seidig glattes Silikon
100 % wasserdicht
Abnehmbares Geschoss
Benötigt 1 AAA-Batterie
Analplug mit herausnehmbarer Vibrationskugel. Drücken Sie die Ein-/Aus-Taste, um die kraftvolle Vibration mit einer Geschwindigkeit zu aktivieren.
Schwarzer Strapsgürtel au...
Breiter Strapsgürtel aus Spitze mit verstellbaren Trägern und integriertem Mesh-Tanga.
Strumpfhose aus Netzstoff...
Sexy schwarze Netzstrümpfe für Damen mit Schleifen-Rückennähten. Diese sexy Kostümstrümpfe eignen sich perfekt als Ergänzung zu einer Vielzahl von Damenkostümen. Schwarze Netzstrümpfe für Damen sind in einer Einheitsgröße erhältlich, die den meisten passt.
Twilight Night-Set mit Ka...
from £24.99
Werde die Prinzessin der Dunkelheit! Ihr Liebhaber wird Sie jede Nacht für immer wollen! Inspiriert von der meistverkauften Teenie-Vampir-Serie.
Das Set beinhaltet:
Vinyl-Kettenpasteten mit Klebeband
Vampirzähne und Jungenshorts
Nasses Aussehen
Langärmliges Cape aus Vinyl und Mesh
Größe: Einheitsgröße und Übergröße (O/S Damenkleidergrößen 2 bis 12. Körbchengröße A bis C. Brustumfang 81 cm bis 97 cm. Taille 60 cm bis 81 cm. Hüfte 86 cm bis 101 cm. Gewicht 40 kg bis 73 kg)
Übergröße 16-20
Materialien: PVC, Polyester, Polyester/Spandex, Nylon, Metall.
Ikonische Latex-Stulpen d...
Erhalten Sie einen dominanten Look und vermeiden Sie das Gefühl von Haut-auf-Haut-Kontakt, indem Sie während Ihrer BDSM-Sitzungen die schwarzen Latexhandschuhe Sharon Sloane tragen. Diese ellenbogenlangen Latexhandschuhe – manchmal auch Stulpen genannt – von Sharon Sloane wurden aus hochwertigem, hochglänzendem Gummi hergestellt. Diese Handschuhe verleihen Ihrem Fetisch-Outfit den letzten Schliff und sorgen einfach nur für einen optischen Effekt oder für eine neue Dimension des Gefühls, wenn Sie einen Partner versohlen.
Die schwarzen Latexhandschuhe von Sharon Sloane sind in drei Größen erhältlich: Klein, Mittel und Groß, je nachdem, wie zierlich oder lang Ihre Hände und Finger sind. Es wird empfohlen, alle Ringe zu entfernen, bevor Sie die Handschuhe anziehen. Tragen Sie bei Bedarf eine kleine Menge Talkumpuder auf, um das Auftragen zu erleichtern.
Halten Sie Ihre Kleidungsstücke von Sharon Sloan in makellosem Zustand, indem Sie sie regelmäßig mit Rubba Shine Latexspray aufpolieren.
NOTIZ . Da es sich um ein Intimprodukt und ein Latexprodukt handelt, übernehmen wir keine Garantie dafür. Es ist weder eine Rückgabe noch eine Rückerstattung möglich.
Natürliche Penisvergrößer...
from £99.99
Der Male Edge Penisvergrößerer basiert auf der einzigen natürlichen und nicht-chirurgischen Methode zur Penisvergrößerung, die klinisch getestet und bewährt wurde. Diese Methode, das sogenannte Peniszuggerät, wurde von mehreren Instituten getestet und führt zu wissenschaftlich nachgewiesenen dauerhaften Ergebnissen beim Peniswachstum.
Während eine Operation zu einer leichten Penisvergrößerung führen kann, geht sie oft mit unerwünschten Komplikationen einher. Pillen sind oft weitgehend ungetestet und stellen eine unwirksame und unsichere Methode zur Penisvergrößerung dar. Der sicherste Weg, Ihren Penis größer werden zu lassen, ist ohne Operation oder Pillen die Anwendung der Penistraktionsmethode.
Keine Operation, keine Risiken und Sie bestimmen das Tempo
Die natürliche Penisvergrößerung mit Male Edge wird Operationen oft vorgezogen, da sie keine Risiken birgt und nicht invasiv ist. Das Gerät ist so leicht und angenehm zu tragen, dass es über einen längeren Zeitraum bequem zu Hause oder sogar am Arbeitsplatz unter lockeren Hosen verwendet werden kann.
Während Sie dem Male Edge-Programm folgen, bestimmen Sie das Tempo und die Ziele. Viele unserer Kunden berichten von einem Peniswachstum von bis zu 2 bis 3 Zoll und einer deutlichen Zunahme des Umfangs. Indem Sie entscheiden, wie lange Sie das Gerät tragen möchten und wie viel Zug Sie darauf ausüben möchten, bestimmen Sie das Tempo Ihrer natürlichen Penisvergrößerung.
Die MaleEdge-Kits gibt es in 3 Varianten:
Garantierte Ergebnisse oder doppeltes Geld zurück *
* Registrieren Sie sich online bei Male Edge. Um sich für dieses Angebot zu qualifizieren, müssen Sie Ihren Fortschritt einmal pro Woche online über My Male Edge protokollieren. Sie müssen außerdem ein Vorher-Nachher-Foto Ihres Penis machen, während Sie Ihr Male Edge-Gerät tragen und ein Lineal daneben halten, um die Konsistenz zu gewährleisten.
ElectraStim lange selbstk...
Dieses Set aus 4 unipolaren, selbstklebenden Pads ist länger und schlanker als unsere ursprünglichen quadratischen ElectraPads und kann für eine präzisere Stimulation an den Schamlippen, um den Penis, über dem Perineum oder anderswo unterhalb der Taille verwendet werden.
Da die Oberfläche kleiner ist, erleben Sie eine intensivere Stimulation, die besser auf Ihre reaktionsstärksten Bereiche ausgerichtet ist. Verbinden Sie zwei Pads mit einem einzigen Kanal Ihres Stimulators, entfernen Sie die Kunststoffabdeckung und drücken Sie sie gegen den gewünschten Bereich. Sie können Ihre Gefühle sogar mit Ihrem Liebsten teilen, wenn jeder von Ihnen ein mit demselben Kanal verbundenes Pad trägt. Sie spüren nicht nur Kribbeln und Kontraktionen dort, wo das Pad Ihren Körper berührt, sondern auch überall dort, wo Sie einander berühren.
Jedes Pad ist 0,6 Zoll breit x 3 Zoll lang.
Schwanz- und Hodenkappe
Plüschkappe mit ausgeprägtem Penis und Hoden oben. 100% Polyester. Nur von Hand waschen (zweimal schütteln und damit spielen). Eine Größe passt meistens
Envy Low Rise Nahtlose Bo...
Nahtloses Design
Envys Standard-Boxerform
Auf Leistung ausgelegt
Erhältlich in Schwarz oder Weiß
Schwarze Latexhandschuhe
Diese langen schwarzen Handschuhe sind eine tolle Wahl und sehen fantastisch aus, wenn sie mit einem Ihrer Latex-Outfits getragen werden.
Hergestellt aus Naturkautschuklatex, der Allergien auslösen kann.
HAPPY EGG – Bluetooth- un...
from £29.16
Erleben Sie ultimatives Vergnügen mit dem App-gesteuerten G-Punkt-Vibrationsei! Seine perfekte Größe und Form machen ihn perfekt zum gezielten Ansprechen und Stimulieren des G-Punkts, während seine App-gesteuerte Funktionalität Ihnen erlaubt, Ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf zu lassen! Darüber hinaus sorgt das diskrete Design dafür, dass Ihre Geheimnisse sicher sind! Machen Sie sich bereit für das Eier-Experiment!
Nauti 10 Function G-Spot ...
Experience unparalleled pleasure with the Nauti Silicone G-Spot Vibrator, expertly designed to elevate your intimate moments. This luxurious g spot vibrator features an ergonomic shape to ensure targeted stimulation of your most sensitive areas. Crafted from high-quality silicone, it provides a silky-smooth touch that feels exquisite against your skin. Whether you’re in a solo adventure or igniting passion with a partner, this sleek toy is your perfect companion for exploration.With 10 exhilarating functions, the Nauti Silicone G-Spot Vibrator offers a diverse range of sensations to suit your unique preferences. From gentle vibrations to powerful pulses, you can easily find the ideal setting for an indulgent experience. The intuitive design allows for effortless control, placing pleasure right at your fingertips.One of the standout features of this g spot vibrator is its USB rechargeability, making it eco-friendly and convenient for frequent use. No need to worry about batteries; simply recharge and get back to enjoying the exquisite pleasure it brings. Additionally, the Nauti Vibrator is fully waterproof, allowing you to take your desires to the bath or shower, turning any space into a private oasis of bliss.Details are essential for an extraordinary experience, and the Nauti Silicone G-Spot Vibrator does not disappoint. Here are its key specifications:
Total Length: 6.5 inches (16.5 cm)
Insertable Length: 5 inches (12.5 cm)
Circumference at the widest point: 4.25 inches (10.75 cm)
Indulge in the perfect balance of elegance and function with the Nauti Silicone G-Spot Vibrator, a must-have addition to your collection. It's time to discover new heights of pleasure that only this luxurious g spot vibrator can deliver.
Strappy Bodystocking Mini...
Indulge in pure elegance with our exquisite Bodystocking Minidress. Black, strappy, and meticulously designed with captivating hollow-out details, this piece is a true embodiment of luxury and sophistication.
Crafted to perfection, this Bodystocking Minidress is tailored for those who appreciate the finer things in life. Each stitch speaks of exquisite craftsmanship, ensuring a flawless fit that accentuates your every curve with grace and allure.
Unmatched Elegance: The intricate hollow-out design of this minidress elevates your style to new levels, exuding a sense of sophistication that is unmatched.
Comfort Redefined: Made from premium materials, this bodystocking minidress offers a luxurious feel against your skin, allowing you to move with ease and comfort all night long.
As you slip into this black masterpiece, the strappy details embrace your silhouette, enhancing your natural beauty with a touch of mystique. Whether you're stepping out for an intimate evening or a glamorous occasion, this bodystocking minidress is sure to make a statement.
Embrace the allure of the night as you adorn yourself in this enchanting piece. Let the hollow-out details cast mesmerising shadows, drawing all eyes towards you with an undeniable magnetic charm.
With our Bodystocking Minidress, you're not just wearing a garment; you're embodying a lifestyle of opulence and refinement. Elevate your wardrobe with this captivating creation that is as bold as it is beautiful.
Black Faux Leather Dress ...
Indulge in sophistication and allure with the Scandals Black PU Leather Flare Dress. This elegant and sexy dress exudes a luxurious charm that is perfect for those special events and spicy evenings that demand style, grace, and charm.
Crafted from high-quality PU leather, this dress offers a sleek and polished look that is both stylish and durable.
The flattering flare design accentuates your curves while providing a comfortable and figure-enhancing fit.
Make a statement in this timeless piece that effortlessly combines class and sensuality. The rich black hue adds a touch of mystery and elegance, making you stand out in any crowd.
Whether you're going out on the town, attending a cocktail party, or just planning a comfortable evening with a partner, this dress is sure to turn heads and leave a lasting impression. The versatility of the design allows you to dress it up with statement jewellery and heels or keep it chic with minimal accessories.
Embrace your inner goddess and step into the spotlight with confidence in this stunning PU Faux Leather Flare Dress. Elevate your wardrobe with a piece that radiates luxury and sophistication, ensuring you always look and feel your best.
Diamond Textured Silicone...
Enhance your intimate experiences with our exquisite Diamond Textured Silicone Anal Vibrator. Crafted to provide unparalleled pleasure, this vibrating anal plug combines luxury design with powerful functionality.
Indulge in the sensational vibrations produced by this premium anal vibrator, designed to stimulate and satisfy you with every touch. The silicone construction ensures a body-safe experience, embracing your skin in a velvety smooth texture that enhances comfort and pleasure.
Experience intense sensations with the vibrating feature of this elegant butt plug
Immerse yourself in the luxurious diamond-patterned shaft that tantalizes your senses
Unleash your desires and explore new realms of excitement with this sophisticated anal vibrator. Its tapered tip allows for easy insertion, while the single speed vibration function ensures powerful stimulation that caters to your every urge. Elevate your intimate moments with the discreet yet effective performance of this premium toy.
Discover the pleasure of the beautiful diamond pattern that adorns this sophisticated anal vibrator
Feel the excitement build as you engage with this intimate accessory designed for ultimate satisfaction
Anal plug with removable vibrating bullet
Powerful single-speed vibration
Diamond patterned shaft with tapered tip
1 x AAA Battery included
Rebel X- Vibrating Prosta...
Introducing the Rebel X- Vibrating Prostate Toy with Remote Control - 10 Modes, the ultimate pleasure companion for the adventurous connoisseur. This exquisite toy brings together innovation and sophistication, delivering unparalleled stimulation to your most sensitive erogenous zone.
With the convenience of a remote control, you can explore and indulge in 10 tantalizing modes that will send waves of pleasure coursing through your body. The vibrating prostate toy is designed to effortlessly target and stimulate your P-spot, unlocking new realms of ecstasy.
Crafted with expert precision, the flexible connection bar ensures maximum intensity and stimulation for your perineum, providing an exquisite combination of pleasure unlike anything you've experienced before. Discreetly hidden under your clothing, you can enjoy intimate pleasure wherever and whenever the mood strikes.
Experience the ultimate pleasure with 10 exhilarating vibration modes
Indulge in discreet pleasure, thanks to the toy's travel-friendly design
Measuring at 9.2cm in length and 7cm in width, the Rebel X- Vibrating Prostate Toy guarantees a perfect fit and stimulates your senses in all the right ways. The circumference of the massaging tip is 2.9cm, ensuring precise and targeted sensations for maximum pleasure.
Recharging this luxurious pleasure toy is effortless with the included USB cable, ensuring that you're always ready for an unforgettable session. The remote control operates from a distance of up to 10 meters, allowing you to surrender control to your partner and explore boundless pleasure together.
Unlock a world of pleasure beyond your wildest dreams with the Rebel X- Vibrating Prostate Toy with Remote Control - 10 Modes. Indulge in pure pleasure, pleasure that is as luxurious as you deserve.
Luxury Valentine's Packag...
from £58.33
Pre-order now available!
Introducing the ultimate luxury Valentine's gift box, meticulously curated by Scandals to ignite passion and elevate romance. Inside this indulgent package, you'll discover:
Presenting Scandals' ultimate luxury Valentine's gift box:
Luxury Toy Worth Up To £59.99: Indulge in intense pleasure and experience unforgettable orgasms with our premium toy, meticulously crafted for heightened sensations and ultimate satisfaction.
Exquisite Lingerie or Menswear Worth Up To £34.99: Ignite passion and allure with our carefully selected piece of lingerie or menswear, crafted from sumptuous fabrics and adorned with delicate details to enhance confidence and set the stage for an unforgettable evening of romance.
Sensual Dice Worth Up To £4.99: Add an element of excitement and spontaneity to your intimate moments with our sensual dice, allowing fate to guide your desires as you explore new realms of pleasure and connection together.
Couple's Toy Worth Up To £11.99: Elevate your pleasure and satisfaction with our expertly crafted couple's toy, designed with innovative features and ergonomic design to stimulate his desires and enhance his pleasure.
Massage Oil Worth Up To £9.99: Immerse yourselves in sensual bliss with our luxurious massage oil, infused with intoxicating scents and nourishing ingredients to enhance relaxation and intimacy, creating the perfect ambiance for unforgettable moments together.
Flavoured Lubricant Worth Up To £9.99: Ensure smooth and pleasurable experiences throughout your romantic encounters with our premium flavoured lubricant, formulated for long-lasting glide and comfort, enhancing your intimate connection.
Pheromone-Infused Perfume Worth Up To £14.99: Heighten attraction and chemistry with our specially formulated perfume infused with pheromones. Designed to enhance your natural allure and magnetism, this perfume creates an irresistible aura of seduction, fostering deeper intimacy and connection between partners.
Tablet of Male Herbal Enhancement Worth £7.00 : Boost confidence and performance with our herbal enhancement tablet, crafted with potent ingredients to enhance stamina, arousal, and pleasure, ensuring a truly memorable Valentine's celebration.
Each single item in this luxurious gift box, encased by rose petals, is thoughtfully selected to celebrate love and intimacy, promising an unforgettable Valentine's Day experience that will leave you and your partner feeling cherished and fulfilled.
Please note any preferences for menswear or lingerie, including sizes required at checkout in the note section.The items will be chosen and carefully selected by our team, if you wish for specific items these can be purchased separately.
Full Lace Bra, Panty and ...
Experience the epitome of luxury and sensuality with our Floral Lace Set. This exquisite lingerie ensemble will make you feel elegant, confident, and irresistibly sexy.
Meticulously crafted from delicate floral lace, this set features a high-stretch bra and panty that embrace your curves in all the right places. The intricate lace detailing adds a touch of femininity, while the high-waisted design accentuates your waist to create a flattering silhouette.
Unmatched Comfort: Crafted with your comfort in mind, this set is made from premium materials that ensure a soft, breathable, and lightweight feel against your skin. It's perfect for all-day wear and intimate moments alike.
Versatile Style: The versatility of this lingerie set allows you to effortlessly pair it with different types of clothing, making it a versatile addition to your wardrobe. From romantic evenings to special occasions, this set will elevate any outfit.
This Floral Lace Set comes complete with matching long gloves, adding an extra touch of elegance and sophistication. The gloves are made from the same exquisite lace material, ensuring a seamless and luxurious look from head to toe.
Indulge in the luxurious feel and stunning allure of our Floral Lace Set. Elevate your lingerie collection and embrace your inner confidence with this truly enchanting ensemble.
Scandals Leopard Print Br...
from £12.49
Enhance your inner seductress with the Scandals Leopard Print Bra and Garter Set. This exquisite set is designed to make you feel empowered and irresistibly alluring.
Indulge in the wild elegance of the leopard print, beautifully intertwined with the classic charm of black straps. When paired together, the result is a provocative ensemble that is sure to captivate your partner's attention.
Crafted with precision and attention to detail, this luxurious set features a bra, garter, and panties. The bra boasts a daring strappy design that elegantly contours your curves, accentuating your natural assets with sophistication.
With its leg rings and suspender clips, the garter adds a touch of decadence and playfulness to your ensemble. It effortlessly highlights your silhouette, creating a flattering and enticing look.
Key features of the Scandals Leopard Print Bra and Garter Set:
Exquisite leopard print design that exudes confidence and sensuality
Daring strappy bra that enhances your curves and accentuates your assets
Playful leg rings and suspender for added allure
Luxurious materials that provide comfort and durability
Perfect for both intimate encounters and special occasions
Unlock your inner desires and unleash your wild side with this captivating leopard print ensemble. Whether you're looking to surprise your partner or simply wanting to feel like the goddess you are, the Scandals Leopard Print Bra and Garter Set ensures an unforgettable experience. Embrace your sensual sophistication and immerse yourself in luxurious indulgence.
Scandals Cross Back Belt ...
Introducing our Scandals Cross Back Belt Harness with Chains, a truly luxurious accessory designed to elevate your style and make a bold statement. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this versatile piece combines fashion-forward design with a hint of rebellious edge.
The Scandals Cross Back Belt Harness features exquisite chains that delicately drape across your hips, creating a captivating visual effect that is guaranteed to turn heads wherever you go. The adjustable straps ensure a perfect fit, allowing you to effortlessly accentuate your waistline while embracing your individuality.
This harness is impeccably crafted using premium materials that are built to last. The combination of high-quality straps and durable hardware ensures both comfort and longevity, making it a timeless investment piece that will transcend the trends. It feels soft against your skin, while the chains add a touch of allure and sophistication.
Unleash your creativity - Wear it over a dress, blouse, or simply pair it with your favorite jeans for an instant style upgrade.
Effortless elegance - Embrace the unique design of the cross back belt harness that effortlessly merges fashion and functionality.
Unleash your inner confidence and exude an air of power and sophistication with our Scandals Cross Back Belt Harness with Chains. It's time to make a statement and elevate your style to new heights. Order yours today and experience luxury like never before.
Men's Strappy Thong with ...
Elevate your style with our Scandals Men's Strappy Thong. Crafted with a focus on luxury and sophistication, this unique black thong is designed to make a bold statement. Step away from ordinary underwear and embrace a daring, confident look.
Featuring a sleek and strappy design, our Men's Strappy Thong is a true testament to impeccable craftsmanship. The daring straps not only add an element of allure but also provide exceptional support for optimum comfort.
Unleash your inner confidence and stand out from the crowd with this eye-catching piece.
Experience the perfect combination of style and functionality with our Scandals Men's Strappy Thong.
Designed for the modern man who appreciates quality and luxury, this thong is made from premium materials that feel soft against the skin. The attention to detail and superior construction ensure durability and long-lasting wear.
Whether you're looking to make a statement in the bedroom or wanting to add some extra excitement to your underwear collection, our Men's Strappy Thong is the perfect choice. Style, comfort, and confidence all in one exquisite piece.
Embrace your individuality and dare to be different with Scandals. Elevate your underwear game with the Scandals Men's Strappy Thong and experience the epitome of luxury and style.
Beginner Strap-On Harness...
Experience the ultimate pleasure and take control with the Scandals Beginner Strap-On Harness. This versatile harness is designed to enhance your intimate encounters and provide endless excitement. Crafted with the utmost precision, it combines functionality, comfort, and style like never before.
Designed with beginners in mind, this strap-on harness is the perfect accessory for exploring new boundaries with your partner. Its strong and adjustable straps ensure a secure fit, allowing you to focus on pleasure without any distractions. The harness can easily be adjusted to accommodate various body sizes, ensuring a comfortable and snug fit for everyone.
With the Scandals Beginner Strap-On Harness, you can switch up roles and explore different sensations with ease. Whether you're looking to take the lead or enjoy the thrill of being dominated, this harness provides the perfect platform to fulfil your desires.
Key Features and Benefits:
Secure and adjustable straps for a perfect fit
Comfortable design allows for extended use without discomfort
Enhance your intimate experiences and indulge in the world of pleasure with the Scandals Beginner Strap-On Harness. Unlock a new level of passion, explore your fantasies, and discover the joys of shared pleasure like never before. Order now and embark on an unforgettable journey towards blissful delight.
Scandals Sexy Deep V-Neck...
Unleash your daring side with our Scandals Sexy Sleeveless Deep V-neck Bodysuit. This exquisite piece of luxury lingerie is designed to accentuate your curves and command attention. Crafted with the finest lace and faux leather, this bodysuit exudes sensuality and sophistication.
The deep V-neckline of this bodysuit is not for the faint-hearted. It plunges down, accentuating your décolletage and drawing the eye to your alluring curves. The sleeveless design showcases your shoulders, adding a touch of elegance to your ensemble.
But the allure doesn't end there. This bodysuit also features suspender straps, allowing you to add a pair of thigh-high stockings for an even more seductive look. The straps are detachable, offering you versatility in styling and providing an extra touch of glamour.
Slip into this deep v-neck bodysuit and feel the confidence surge through your veins. Whether you're preparing for a special night out or simply want to indulge in a moment of self-expression, this bodysuit is the epitome of elegance and sensuality.
Key Features:
Deep V-neckline for a bold and captivating look
Sleeveless design to showcase your shoulders and add a touch of sophistication
Crafted with utmost attention to detail, this bodysuit is available in multiple UK sizes (8/10, 12/14, 16/18, 20/22) to ensure the perfect fit. The cuffs and collar add a touch of edge, balancing the delicate femininity of the lace design with a hint of the unexpected.
Indulge in luxury and embrace your unique style with our Scandals Sexy Sleeveless Deep V-neck Bodysuit. Elevate your lingerie collection and make a statement like never before. Order now and embrace the world of high-end sensuality.
BOUND Leather Paddle with...
Indulge in the ultimate seductive pleasure with our exquisite Leather Paddle. Crafted to perfection, this alluring accessory is a symbol of sophistication and power.
With the Leather Paddle in your hands, you hold the key to unlock a world of sensuality and excitement. Each touch of the supple leather against the skin sends shivers of delight through your body, creating an exquisite mix of pleasure and anticipation.
Designed for those who crave the finer things in life, this Leather Paddle is not just a tool of pleasure but a statement piece in itself. Its sleek handle fits perfectly in your grip, allowing you to wield it with grace and authority.
Key features and benefits:
Exquisite craftsmanship: Every detail of this Leather Paddle exudes luxury and refinement, making it a must-have for connoisseurs of pleasure.
Enhanced control: The secure wrist wrap ensures a firm grip, giving you complete control over the intensity and rhythm of each strike, heightening the sensations for both giver and receiver.
Unleash your desires and embrace the allure of dominance with the Leather Paddle. Whether you are a seasoned player or a curious novice, this elegant instrument will elevate your intimate moments to a realm of unimagined ecstasy.
Transform your boudoir into a realm of passion and fantasy with the timeless elegance of the Leather Paddle. Let your fantasies run wild as you explore the boundaries of pleasure and pain, guided by the exquisite touch of this luxurious accessory.
Experience the exquisite blend of power and sensuality with the Leather Paddle – an essential tool for those who seek to explore the depths of desire in style and sophistication.
BOUND Leather Ankle Rest...
Indulge in luxury with the exquisite Leather Ankle Restraints by BOUND. Get Bound, feel Bound, be Bound! Crafted from high-quality padded leather adorned with sleek silver trims, these ankle restraints elevate your intimate moments to new heights of pleasure.
Experience unrivaled comfort during extended play sessions thanks to the soft padding that caresses your skin. The sturdy chain, complete with two pairs of D-rings, ensures both security and style, allowing you to explore a world of seductive possibilities.
Embrace the versatility of these restraints with the detachable double trigger hook chain, offering you the freedom to customize your experience. The 5 hole buckle fastening system, padlockable buckle prong, and adjustable circumference ranging from 25.1-37.7cm (9.8-14.8 inches) provide a tailored fit for maximum pleasure.
High-quality padded leather with silver trims for a luxurious feel
Soft and comfortable design allows for extended wear without discomfort
Elevate your bondage play to an opulent level with the BOUND Leather Ankle Restraints. Unleash your desires, captivate your partner, and immerse yourself in a world of decadent indulgence.
Scandals Men's Sexy Black...
Slip into something sleek and sexy with this black leather brief for men. Get that wet look with the stretchy fabric and turn heads with confidence. Perfectly sexy - you're sure to get noticed!
Bondage Collection
from £8.33
Explore some sensation play and light impact play with the pieces! Enjoy trying out the flogger or paddle on their backside or lightly against their chest while they are bound and gagged. Use the blindfold to enhance their sensitivity and awareness to touch. Use mouth gag to enjoy their muffled moans, the gag has holes in it to improve breathability and can also enhance your sexual experience! Pick which pieces of the collection you need to heightened arousal and sensual bondage play.
Scandals Crotchet Mesh Bo...
from £12.49
This Scandals Crotchet Mesh Hollow-out Mini Chemise Bodystocking is the epitome of luxury and seduction. Crafted with exquisite attention to detail, it is designed to enhance your natural curves and unleash your inner goddess.
Indulge in the sensuous touch of the crotchet mesh fabric that gracefully embraces your body, creating a tantalizing silhouette. The intricate hollow-out detail adds a touch of allure, leaving just enough to the imagination.
Perfect for special occasions or intimate moments, this bodystocking flatters your figure with its form-fitting design. It accentuates your curves in all the right places, enhancing your confidence and creating a mesmerizing visual appeal.
Elevate your allure: The crotchet mesh fabric creates an irresistibly sexy look, making you feel confident and desirable.
Comfort without compromise: The slim silhouette ensures a comfortable fit, allowing for free movement without sacrificing style.
Whether you're looking to make a statement in the bedroom or add a touch of intrigue to your lingerie collection, this crotchet mesh bodystocking is the perfect choice. Its unique design and exquisite craftsmanship set it apart, making it a must-have for any woman who embraces her sensuality.
Indulge in luxury and unleash your inner temptress with the Scandals Crotchet Mesh Hollow-out Mini Chemise Bodystocking. Don't settle for anything less than perfection. Let your desires take center stage and captivate all who lay eyes on you.
Two Piece Underwired Mesh...
Discover the epitome of elegance and allure with our Scandals Two Piece Underwired Mesh Set With Leg Straps. This exquisite lingerie set embodies sophistication and sensuality, designed to make you feel empowered and confident.
Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this stunning two piece set features a supportive underwired bust that enhances your natural curves and provides the perfect amount of lift and support. The exquisite mesh fabric teases and tantalizes, offering a glimpse of what lies beneath.
Embrace your seductive side with the choker neckline, adding a touch of opulence and allure to this already captivating ensemble. The attached leg straps exude an air of playfulness and seduction, drawing attention to your legs and creating a captivating silhouette.
Key features and benefits:
Supportive underwired bust for enhanced lift and shape
Seductive choker neckline for a touch of luxury
Available in a timeless black color, this lingerie set is designed to accentuate your curves and flatter your figure. Whether you're looking to ignite the passion or treat yourself to a moment of pure indulgence, the Scandals Two Piece Underwired Mesh Set With Leg Straps is the epitome of sophistication and seduction.
Available in UK sizes 8/10, 12/14, 16/18, and 20/22, finding your perfect fit has never been easier. Elevate your intimate collection with this captivating and alluring lingerie set, and let your inner goddess shine.
Bardot-elastischer Riemen...
Mit diesem Strap-on-Harness im Strapsgürtel-Stil von Strap U erhalten Sie Komfort und Sexappeal, alles in einem System! Die breiten elastischen Träger sind für die meisten Größen geeignet und das attraktive Rückendesign im Tanga-Stil bietet bequeme Manövrierbarkeit. Sie können Ihren Lieblingsdildo mit ausgestellter Basis in einen der mitgelieferten Metall-O-Ringe einführen, ihn einrasten lassen und schon können Sie mit der Penetration Ihres Partners beginnen. Der Rückenstützgurt bietet ein figurbetonteres Design, das sich den Konturen Ihres Körpers anpasst und Ihnen freie Bewegung ermöglicht. Mit den austauschbaren Ringen und dem Snap-In-System können Sie einen der mitgelieferten Ringe für Ihren eigenen herausdrehen, um mehr Größenoptionen zu erhalten! Dieses Gurtsystem ist leicht zu pflegen und somit eine bequeme und dennoch sexy Wahl für alle Strap-on-Abenteuer.
Short Suede Flogger - Sof...
Experience luxurious pleasure with our Short Suede Flogger.
Made with precision and quality in mind, our Short Suede Flogger delivers unparalleled sensations that will leave you breathless. Measuring a compact 15.75 inches from end to end, this exquisite flogger is crafted from the finest, supple suede that caresses the skin with a touch as gentle as a whisper.
Indulge in the tantalizing play of domination and submission with our Short Suede Flogger. The spiral-wrapped handle offers comfortable grip and precise control, allowing you to effortlessly tickle and tease your partner's senses. Its compact size makes it ideal for both beginners and experienced users, giving you the freedom to explore your wildest desires.
Ultimate Sensation: The soft suede strips deliver a touch that is both gentle and intense, creating a symphony of pleasure on the skin.
Unmatched Control: The carefully designed spiral-wrapped handle ensures a secure and comfortable grip, allowing you to effortlessly wield the flogger with precision.
Discover the irresistible allure of our Short Suede Flogger. Perfect for indulging in intimate moments or as a stunning addition to your collection, this flogger is a symbol of luxury and sensuality. Embrace the thrill of dominance and submission and ignite your desires with the exquisite craftsmanship of our Short Suede Flogger.
Add a touch of elegance to your play and experience the true pleasure of sensation with our Short Suede Flogger today.
Ass-Less Yellow Fetish Tr...
Indulge in the epitome of luxury with the Ass-less Trunk Yellow from Prowler RED. Crafted with precision and style, this alluring piece is a refined expression of sensuality and sophistication.
Featuring a daring yet elegant design, this ass-less trunk is tailored to accentuate your physique while exuding confidence and allure. The vibrant yellow hue exudes a sense of playfulness and excitement, making it the perfect choice for those who dare to stand out.
Enhances your natural curves with a flattering cut
Provides ultimate comfort and support throughout the day or night
Constructed with a blend of 82% polyester and 18% spandex, this backless trunk offers a perfect balance of stretch and durability. The iconic Prowler Paw logo adorns the front waistband, adding a touch of exclusivity to your wardrobe.
Make a bold statement with the white piping detail that not only adds a touch of elegance but also draws attention to all the right places. Whether worn for a special occasion or as a daring bedroom ensemble, this ass-less trunk is sure to captivate admirers and ignite passion.
Step into a world of opulence and sophistication with the Ass-less Trunk Yellow from Prowler RED. Elevate your style and embrace your sensuality with this exquisite piece that promises to leave a lasting impression.
Waffenöl H2O Transparente...
from £8.33
Das wasserbasierte Gleitmittel Gun Oil H2O entspricht den gleichen hohen Qualitätsspezifikationen wie das Gleitmittel Gun Oil Silicone. Dieses kondomsichere Gleitmittel ist hochkonzentriert und dennoch leicht abzuwaschen.
Gun Oil H2O ist glycerinfrei, hypoallergen und enthält keine Pigmente, sodass es keine Flecken auf Textilien hinterlässt.
Gun Oil H2O ist mit Aloe Vera angereichert und schont Ihre Haut.