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Slow Sex – Körpermassageöl £21.66
Machen Sie sich bereit für ein Rutsch- und Gleitabenteuer, wo immer Sie wollen. Mit diesem Gel auf Silikonbasis haben Sie den perfekten gleitfähigen Begleiter, um jede Oberfläche zu glätten – sogar unter Wasser! - in einen Massagespielplatz. Mit Haut-zu-Haut-Kontakt und einem seidenweichen Effekt werden Sie endlosen Spaß mit Ihrem Körper und dem Ihres Partners haben. Wer braucht schon eine Massageliege, wenn es Körperöl gibt?
Loving Joy Glatter Siliko... £16.66
Dieser hübsche Adonis ist ideal für heiße Strapazen und geile, freihändige Vergnügungen. Dieser elegante schwarze Dildo mit einem glatten 6-Zoll-Schaft eignet sich hervorragend zum Pegging oder anderen Strap-On-Spielen, da er über einen starken Saugnapf verfügt. Erleben Sie freihändigen Solo-Spaß und gemeinsame Strap-On-Leidenschaft mit diesem praktischen Dong von Loving Joy. Spielen Sie alleine oder mit einem Partner, Vergnügen ist in jedem Fall garantiert! Merkmale: Glatter Silikondildo Saugnapf für Solospiel oder Gurtkompatibilität Gebogener Schaft für G-Punkt und P-Punkt Hergestellt aus hypoallergenem Silikon
Jessica Rabbit G-Punkt Sl... £28.33
Der Jessica Rabbit G-Spot Slim von Loving Joy ist das perfekte Werkzeug zur G-Punkt-Stimulation. Wenn Sie Ihren G-Punkt noch nicht gefunden haben, ist dies die perfekte Stimmung, mit der Sie auf Entdeckungsreise gehen! Slim mit gebogener Spitze ist speziell dafür konzipiert, das Ziel mühelos zu finden. Drei Perlenreihen in der sich mit mehreren Geschwindigkeiten drehenden Welle sorgen für eine großartige vaginale Stimulation. Gehen Sie durch die sechs Geschwindigkeiten, um herauszufinden, welche Ihnen am besten gefällt. G-Punkt und vaginale Stimulation Hasenohren zur gleichzeitigen Stimulation Ihrer Klitoris Die Hasenohren haben 6 Geschwindigkeiten Auch wasserfest für diejenigen, die ihr Spielzeug gerne in der Badewanne oder Dusche verwenden. Einführbare Länge von 12 cm (4,75 Zoll) Umfang 9 cm (3,5 Zoll) Benötigt 4 x AAA-Batterien (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten)
Vibrierende Analkugeln mi... £16.66
Erobern Sie alle Höhen und Tiefen des Erlesenen Liebende Freude 10 Vibrationsfunktionen Analkugeln. Dieser Analvibrator wurde entwickelt, um Ihnen endlosen Hintertür-Nervenkitzel zu bieten. Er besteht aus seidigem Silikon, um Ihr Erlebnis noch komfortabler und angenehmer zu machen. Perfekt für neue Po-Enthusiasten und angehende Anal-Entdecker, Sie werden davon förmlich begeistert sein Buttplug! Produktmerkmale: Vibrierende Analkugeln 10 Funktionen Hergestellt aus Silikon Zwei unterschiedlich große Perlen Abnehmbarer Kugelvibrator Einfach zu verwenden Einführbare Länge: 3,25 Zoll/8 cm Umfang der größten Perle: 4 Zoll/10 cm
Kleines Schwarzes mit Fes... £38.33
Fesselndes kleines Schwarzes! Ein kurzes Kleid, das eng anliegt, aber dehnbar ist von Cottelli BONDAGE. Es ist aus wunderschönem Material in schwarzer Mattoptik gefertigt und verfügt über silberfarbene Metallelemente. Das rückenfreie Kleid hat ein tief ausgeschnittenes Dekolleté. Die 4 mitgelieferten Fesseln können durch die Fesselringe auf beiden Seiten des Dreifachgurts gezogen werden. Die Fesseln mit verstellbarem Klettverschluss eignen sich perfekt für schnelle Fesselspiele. Am Gürtel ist außerdem ein Dekolletéband befestigt, das ihn mit Druckknöpfen mit dem Kragen verbindet. Der Gürtel, das Dekolleté-Band und die Träger lassen sich für eine perfekte Passform verstellen – Gürtel und Kragen sind abnehmbar. Kurzes Kleid aus mattem Material Enthält 4 Fesseln mit Klettverschluss Abnehmbarer und verstellbarer Dreifachgürtel Abnehmbarer Kragen mit Dekolleté-Riemen Eng anliegendes Design Dehnbar für eine bequeme Passform
Satisfyer Pro Two Plus Lu... £45.83
Erleben Sie die ultimativen klitoralen Orgasmen mit diesem Upgrade des klassischen Satisfyer Pro 2. Der Satisfyer Pro 2+ bringt Sie mit einer Kombination aus Druckwellen und Vibration zum Zittern. Lassen Sie sich von der zutiefst stimulierenden Airpulse-Technologie in eine völlig neue Welt katapultieren, während die Vibrationen Ihnen unglaubliches Vergnügen bereiten. Die Kante des weichen Anwendungskopfes vibriert und umschließt Ihre Klitoris mit doppelter Intensität. Über einen separaten Knopf können Sie 10 wunderbare Vibrationsprogramme steuern, 11 Druckwellenstufen finden Sie an gewohnter Stelle in der Mitte des Geräts. Es bietet unendlich viele verschiedene lustvolle Kombinationen für Ihr sexuelles Wohlbefinden. 2 separat steuerbare Motoren Wasserdicht nach IPX7 Einfach zu säubern Inklusive USB-Magnetladekabel Flüstermodus Körperfreundliches Silikon 15 Jahre Garantie
Bardot-elastischer Riemen... £44.16
Mit diesem Strap-on-Harness im Strapsgürtel-Stil von Strap U erhalten Sie Komfort und Sexappeal, alles in einem System! Die breiten elastischen Träger sind für die meisten Größen geeignet und das attraktive Rückendesign im Tanga-Stil bietet bequeme Manövrierbarkeit. Sie können Ihren Lieblingsdildo mit ausgestellter Basis in einen der mitgelieferten Metall-O-Ringe einführen, ihn einrasten lassen und schon können Sie mit der Penetration Ihres Partners beginnen. Der Rückenstützgurt bietet ein figurbetonteres Design, das sich den Konturen Ihres Körpers anpasst und Ihnen freie Bewegung ermöglicht. Mit den austauschbaren Ringen und dem Snap-In-System können Sie einen der mitgelieferten Ringe für Ihren eigenen herausdrehen, um mehr Größenoptionen zu erhalten! Dieses Gurtsystem ist leicht zu pflegen und somit eine bequeme und dennoch sexy Wahl für alle Strap-on-Abenteuer.
Roter Federkitzler £9.99
Mini-Flogger £20.83
Leder-Pleather-Pleasure-Mini-Flogger Holen Sie sich eine Handvoll Vergnügen und Schmerz mit dieser kleinen Handpeitsche. Pleasure Mini Flogger – Der spiralförmig umwickelte Griff hat zwei silberne Nieten und ist mit einer Handgelenksschlaufe versehen, und der günstige Preis macht ihn zu einem tollen Einsteigerspielzeug.
Klassischer Kugelvibrator... £41.66
Dieses seidenweiche, klassische Bullet verfügt über eine weiche Silikonspitze für punktgenaue Stimulation. Für diejenigen, die ein freihändiges Erlebnis wünschen, ist ein kostenloser Fingerhülsenaufsatz im Lieferumfang enthalten. Unser Classic Bullet ist mit einem Motor ausgestattet, der auf eine niedrige Frequenz eingestellt ist, um unsere charakteristischen Je Joue ach so leisen Rumpelvibrationen zu erzeugen. Mit 5 Geschwindigkeiten und 7 Mustern bietet das Classic Bullet ein breites Spektrum an Vibrationen – vom sanften Schnurren bis zum tiefen Grollen. Diskreter klassischer Vibrator mit rumpeligen Vibrationen 5 Geschwindigkeiten und 7 Muster werden Sie begeistern Leise zum privaten Spielen oder perfekt für die Verwendung mit einem Partner Kostenlose Fingerhülsenbefestigung Wasserdicht für den Einsatz bei Wasserabenteuern Vollständig wiederaufladbar, überall auf der Welt an einen USB-Anschluss anschließen 100 % veganer Vibrator Wie es misst Umfang: 3 Zoll Einführbare Länge: 1 Zoll Länge: 3,5 Zoll Der mit dem Classic Vibrator gelieferte Fingerhülsenaufsatz bietet verschiedene Möglichkeiten, mit Ihrem Spielzeug zu spielen. Es ist perfekt, wenn Sie ein freihändiges Erlebnis bevorzugen und sich dabei die Mühe machen müssen, es an Ort und Stelle zu halten. Schieben Sie einfach Ihre Kugel in die runde Seite und Ihre Finger (oder die Ihres Partners) in die ovale Seite. Verwenden Sie die Kugel direkt auf der Haut, um kraftvolle Vibrationen auf dem ganzen Körper zu erzielen. Wenn Sie mit Empfindungen experimentieren möchten, bewegen Sie die Kugel auf die Rückseite der Finger, um den Kontakt mit der Haut aufrechtzuerhalten und zusätzliche Vibrationen zu erzeugen.
Stecker B – zweifarbig £20.83
Bunt, aus Silikon und bequem geformt – mit dem Plug-B kann man wirklich nichts falsch machen! Die „T“-Basis beider Größen ist so konzipiert, dass sie bequem zwischen Ihren Pobacken sitzt, was diesen Analplug zu einem super bequemen Analplug macht, den Sie über längere Zeiträume tragen können! * Jede Spielzeugfarbe und jedes Muster ist einzigartig, Farboptionen sind verfügbar, die Muster können variieren* Merkmale: 100 % Platinsilikon Nicht porös Körpersicher Hypoallergen Länge (maximal) – 3,7 Zoll Breite (maximal) – 2,5 Zoll
Clone-A-Pussy Vagina-Form... £20.83
Das DIY-Formset enthält alles, was Sie zum Formen einer echten Muschi benötigen Machen Sie eine EXAKTE Silikonkopie Ihrer Vagina Das Clone-A-Pussy-Kit wird in einer atemberaubenden neuen Verpackung geliefert, die die verspielte Eleganz der Marke widerspiegelt Dieses Kit enthält alles, was Sie zum Klonen Ihrer Vagina in lebensechten Details benötigen Es enthält platingehärtetes Silikon, das körperverträglich ist, und in Hot Pink ist alles, was Sie für einen verspielten Abend brauchen! Das Clone-A-Pussy-Set in Hot Pink ist eine auffällige Ergänzung Ihrer Schlafzimmerdekoration und ein einzigartiges Andenken, das Ihre besten Seiten verewigt! Das Clone-A-Pussy-Kit wird in einer atemberaubenden neuen Verpackung geliefert, die die verspielte Eleganz der Marke widerspiegelt. Dieses Kit enthält alles, was Sie zum Klonen Ihrer Vagina in lebensechten Details benötigen. Es enthält platingehärtetes Silikon, das körperverträglich ist, und in Hot Pink ist alles, was Sie für einen verspielten Abend brauchen! Dieses Set enthält außerdem Formpulver auf Algenbasis und einen Formbehälter. Die resultierende geklonte Muschi eignet sich perfekt als Geschenk für einen Liebhaber, oder Sie können sie als körperschöne Erinnerung ganz für sich behalten! Binden Sie Ihren Partner ein oder erstellen Sie Ihre geklonte Muschi selbst – das ist eine unterhaltsame Art und Weise, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Vagina auf die sexyste Art und Weise gefeiert wird, die nur möglich ist!
Netzstrümpfe mit schlicht... £5.83
Schwarzes Netz Einheitsgröße Schlichtes Band-Top Hindernisse Kein Strapsgürtel nötig! Wunderschöne sexy Netzstrümpfe runden Ihr Outfit oder Kostüm perfekt ab.
Schwarzes Babydoll von Se... £33.33
Dieses unglaubliche schwarze Spitzen-Babydoll mit passendem Tanga-Set. Das Babydoll verfügt außerdem über ein Strassdetail an der Brust, das im Schlafzimmerlicht glitzert und schimmert.... Kleid und Tanga inklusive Spitzennetz Abnehmbares Kettendetail mit Strasssteinen
Kleine wiederaufladbare K... £24.99
Dieser Intense-Reisevibrator ist perfekt für den Spaß unterwegs! Mit 10 Funktionen und einem wiederaufladbaren Akku leicht zu verbergen, ist dies eine perfekte Ergänzung für Ihre Sammlung! Merkmale Wasserfest und frei von Phthalaten RoHS-konform Materialien ABS mit PU-Beschichtung Länge - 2,5 Zoll Einführbare Länge – 2,5 Zoll Umfang: 2,8 Zoll Wiederaufladbar – (2 Stunden Ladezeit, 2 Stunden Spielzeit)
Nippelklemmen mit langer ... £16.66
Diese extra langen Nippelklemmen aus der EasyToys-Kollektion sorgen für zusätzliche Sensationen im Schlafzimmer. Die Klemmen sind mit weichen Schutzkappen versehen und haben ein langes Metallunterteil. Die Klammern sind mit einer langen Metallkette verbunden. Die Kette sorgt für zusätzliche Empfindungen, wenn Sie die Nippelklemmen tragen, und Sie können Ihren Partner sogar bitten, sanft an der Kette zu ziehen, um maximales Vergnügen zu erzielen. Sind Sie bereit für mehr?
Dreamgirl Plus Size schwa... £12.49
Spitzen-Teddy-Bodystocking mit überkreuzten Details und angenähten Strumpfhaltern und passenden oberschenkelhohen Strümpfen. Spitzen-Teddy-Bodystocking mit überkreuzten Details. Neckholder-Ausschnitt mit Druckknopfverschluss. Angenähte Strumpfhalter und passende oberschenkelhohe Strümpfe. Tanga am Rücken. String nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten. Handwäsche in kaltem Wasser; keine Bleichmittel; LeinentrocknenImportiert90 % Nylon, 10 % Elasthan
Meyer Marketing Original ... £16.66
Der originale Allzweck-Unterstützer. Der bequeme Strickbeutel bietet hervorragenden Halt. Bund aus Häkelstrick. Diese strapazierfähigen Jocks bieten unübertroffenen Halt an den notwendigen Stellen, sind von äußerst hoher Qualität und zudem äußerst bequem. Sie umarmen und greifen dich an den richtigen Stellen. Schauen Sie sich unser riesiges Sortiment an Jockstraps speziell für schwule Männer an. Erhältlich in einer Vielzahl von Stilen und Farben, Sie werden garantiert etwas für sich finden! Diese strapazierfähigen Jocks bieten unübertroffenen Halt an den notwendigen Stellen, sind von äußerst hoher Qualität und zudem äußerst bequem. Wir haben Jockstraps von Barcode, Bike, Expectations und Pump!
Belladonna UltraSkyn Stro... £54.16
Strukturierter UltraSkyn-Masturbator mit harter Außenhülle Direkt aus Belladonna geformt Durch die Druckplatte kann der Benutzer den Druck steuern Die Endkappe erzeugt eine intensive Saugkraft Die Basis lässt sich drehen, um die Saugstärke anzupassen Zur Reinigung vollständig zerlegbar Gesamtlänge: 7,5", Breite: 3"
Silikon-Analplug-Peitsche £24.99
Mit nur einem Knall dieser Buttplug-Peitsche weiß Ihr Motiv, wer das Sagen hat. Diese robuste Vinyl-Peitsche sorgt bei jedem Schwung für eine angenehme Bestrafung, während der Silikon-Analplug für zusätzliche Hintertürdisziplin eingesetzt werden kann. Etwas so Schlimmes hat noch nie so gut geschadet! Maße: Peitschenlänge: 37 Zoll Steckerabmessungen: 6,75 Zoll x 1,5 Zoll
Autsch! Reitpeitsche aus PVC £29.17
Würfelgerte aus PVC mit gestreiftem Griff und Metallnietendetails. Inklusive Handschlaufe für zusätzlichen Komfort und Sicherheit Perfekt für alle, die gerne dominieren oder dominiert werden
Svenjoyment Net Jockstrap £20.83
Your best asset will be shown off when you wear this jockstrap made out of supportive net. The extra wide waistband and the fact that it is open at the back complete the erotic look.
Lace Top Vertical Line Se... £8.33
Step into a world of seduction with our Lace Top Vertical Line Seam Stockings. These stockings are designed to elevate your outfit, providing a fashionable touch that is perfect for any occasion. The vintage-inspired seam detail down the back showcases a sophisticated vertical line design that elongates the legs and enhances your silhouette.The lace top adds a delicate flair, ensuring that they comfortably stay in place all day, thanks to the sturdy double silicone anti-slip grip. These stockings are not only stylish but also functional, making them the ideal choice for both everyday wear and special occasions. Slip into a pair and experience the perfect combination of comfort and glamour. Perfect for pairing with skirts, dresses, or your favourite Scandals Lingerie set.Made from high-quality materials, these Seam Stockings are soft to the touch yet durable, providing long-lasting wear while retaining their appearance. Available in a range of sizes, they cater to different body types, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the luxury of beautifully styled legs.Whether you are dressing for an office look or a night out on the town, these Lace Top Vertical Line Seam Stockings With Silicone add a dash of sophistication to any outfit. Indulge yourself in luxury and make a statement wherever you go.
Loving Joy Tingling Lubri... £5.83
Indulge in a world of sensations with the Loving Joy Tingling Lubricant 30ml. Designed to enhance intimacy, this exquisite lubricant offers an unforgettable tingling experience that heightens pleasure and connection. Whether you are exploring solo or sharing intimate moments with a partner, this luxurious lubricant is your perfect companion. Crafted with a unique water-based formula, the Loving Joy Tingling Lubricant glides effortlessly on the skin, ensuring a smooth and silky experience. Its pH-neutral composition makes it gentle on all skin types, allowing you to focus solely on pleasure without any worries. The delightful tingling effect adds an extra layer of excitement, making every touch feel electrifying. Discover new heights of ecstasy as this lubricant awakens your senses and amplifies every intimate encounter. One of the standout features of the Loving Joy Tingling Lubricant is its elegant and easy-to-use dispenser. This thoughtful design ensures that you can pour the perfect amount with precision and ease, allowing you to keep your focus where it matters most—on your passion. Additionally, this premium lubricant is completely paraben-free and safe for use with both sex toys and condoms, providing you with peace of mind as you explore your desires. Enhance your intimate experiences while taking care of your well-being. Key benefits of Loving Joy Tingling Lubricant include: Creates a delightful tingling sensation for heightened pleasure Formulated with skin-friendly ingredients, safe for all Each bottle contains carefully selected ingredients such as purified water, propylene glycol, glycerin, carbomer, xanthan gum, sodium hydroxide, benzoic acid, and citric acid. These elements work harmoniously to deliver a luxurious texture while ensuring safety and comfort. Elevate your intimate moments with Loving Joy Tingling Lubricant—your ultimate partner in pleasure.
Exotic Micro Thong - Shin... £8.33
Elevate your intimate wardrobe to new heights of sophistication with the Exotic Micro Shiny G String Thongs by Scandals. Crafted for the discerning individual who appreciates opulence in every detail, these tantalizing thongs are designed to captivate and enchant. Indulge in the allure of the exotic with the delicate micro fabric that gracefully hugs your curves, creating a silhouette that is both alluring and comfortable. The shiny finish of these thongs adds a touch of elegance, making every moment a decadent affair. Experience the luxury of high-quality materials that offer a sensual fit, allowing you to revel in the pleasure of exquisite lingerie. Unleash your inner confidence with a provocative addition to your collection that exudes glamour and sophistication. Embrace your sensuality with the Exotic Micro Thong, a statement piece that embodies decadence and luxury in every thread. Perfect for those who appreciate the finer things in life and seek to make a statement without saying a word. Feel the whisper of extravagance against your skin as you adorn yourself with Scandals' Exotic Micro Shiny G String Thongs, a masterpiece of design that elevates the art of lingerie to sublime levels of allure. Make a lasting impression with each wear, leaving a trail of elegance in your wake.
Fishnet Men's Underwear B... £12.49
Elevate your intimate style with the exquisite Scandals Men's Wetlook and Fishnet Briefs. Crafted to perfection, these luxurious fishnet men's underwear pieces redefine sophistication and sensuality in menswear. Driven by a fusion of premium design and comfort, these briefs are designed for the modern man who appreciates opulence in every detail. Indulge in the alluring charm of fishnet detailing that adds a seductive edge to your underwear collection. Experience unmatched comfort and support with the premium fabrics and meticulous craftsmanship of these briefs. Slip into these distinctive briefs and embody confidence effortlessly. The sleek wet-look panel complements the fishnet design, creating a bold and contemporary aesthetic that sets you apart. Impeccably tailored for a superior fit and feel, these briefs offer a perfect balance of style and comfort. Crafted for the discerning gentleman, these fishnet men's underwear briefs are a statement piece that exudes luxury and refinement. Whether worn as a daily indulgence or saved for special occasions, these briefs are a testament to your impeccable taste and attention to detail. Embrace luxury from the inside out with the Scandals Men's Wetlook and Fishnet Briefs. Elevate your everyday essentials with a touch of allure and sophistication that is sure to leave a lasting impression.
Lace & Polka Dot Ruffles ... £24.99
Welcome to the epitome of elegance and allure with our Lace and Polka Dot Ruffles Lingerie Set. This enchanting ensemble promises to elevate your lingerie collection to unprecedented heights. Indulge in the delicate lace and playful polka dot ruffles that adorn this exquisite set, designed to captivate and mesmerize. Crafted with the finest materials and exquisite attention to detail, this set is a true masterpiece of luxury lingerie. Enhance your curves: The flattering design of this lingerie set accentuates your natural silhouette, making you feel confident and alluring.               Unmatched comfort: Experience unparalleled comfort with the soft fabrics and expert craftsmanship of this set, ensuring a luxurious wearing experience.             Evoke a sense of sensuality and sophistication as you adorn yourself in the refined beauty of this lingerie set. Perfect for romantic evenings or to add a touch of luxury to your everyday wear, this set embodies the essence of glamour and refinement.            Transform your lingerie collection with the Lace and Polka Dot Ruffles Lingerie Set, a timeless piece that exudes opulence and grace. Elevate your style and embrace the allure of luxury with this exquisite ensemble.
Leopard Print Strappy Dre... £22.49
Elevate your wardrobe with our exquisite Leopard Print Strappy Teddy by Scandals. Designed for the modern woman who embraces her wild side, this stunning piece exudes sophistication and allure. Indulge in the luxurious feel of the soft and silky fabric that drapes elegantly over your curves, making you feel effortlessly glamorous. The intricate leopard print pattern adds a touch of exotic flair, perfect for those who want to make a bold style statement. Enhance your seductive charm with the alluring black lace detailing Turn heads with the daring side slit adorned with delicate chains Whether you're looking to captivate your partner or simply feel empowered in your own skin, this Leopard Print Strappy Teddy is a must-have addition to your lingerie collection. Embrace your femininity and confidence with this daring and sophisticated piece that is sure to make you feel like a goddess. Embrace your inner diva and unleash your fierce yet elegant side with our Leopard Print Strappy Teddy by Scandals. Elevate your intimate moments with this luxurious and stylish lingerie piece that is as comfortable as it is captivating.
BOUND Leather Solid Ball ... £18.33
Indulge in the ultimate experience of dominance and submission with our exquisitely crafted BOUND Leather Solid Ball Gag. This perfectly designed accessory adds a touch of sophistication to your intimate moments. Crafted with precision, this premium Solid Ball Gag features a high-quality black leather strap that exudes elegance and durability. Each side is adorned with 2 O-rings, inviting you to explore new realms of creativity and playfulness. The 7-hole buckle fastening system ensures a secure and comfortable fit, making adjustments a breeze. With an adjustable strap circumference ranging from 43-55cm (16.9-21.6 inches), this ball gag is suitable for various head sizes, providing a customised experience for every user. Embrace sensory thrills without any distractions. The non-smelling solid ball, expertly crafted from silicone rubber, offers a taste of luxury and safety. Its ball circumference of 14cm (5.5 inches) ensures a fulfilling experience while maintaining comfort throughout your rendezvous. Embrace elegance and durability with the high-quality black leather strap Explore limitless possibilities with the 2 O-rings on each side for enhanced creativity Experience optimal comfort and adjustability with the 7-hole buckle fastening system Enjoy a personalized fit with the adjustable strap circumference of 43-55cm (16.9-21.6 inches) Enhance your intimate sessions with the BOUND Leather Solid Ball Gag and unlock a world of seductive sophistication. Elevate your sensory play with this luxurious accessory that combines style, comfort, and pleasure in perfect harmony.
Moisture Absorption Stick... £3.33
Elevate your intimate experience with our luxurious Moisture Absorption Sticks. Crafted to perfection, these diatomite rods are designed to ensure quick drying of your masturbators, providing you with an unparalleled level of cleanliness and freshness. Our expertly-crafted moisture absorption sticks guarantee exceptional performance and durability. Made from the finest diatomite material, these rods effortlessly absorb excess moisture, leaving your masturbators dry and ready for use. With a sleek and sophisticated snow-white finish, they exude luxury and sophistication. Experience the pinnacle of cleanliness with our innovative moisture absorption sticks. By effectively removing excess moisture, they prevent the growth of bacteria, mold, and unpleasant odors. Say goodbye to dampness and hello to a consistently hygienic and pleasurable experience. Key Features: Effective Moisture Absorption: The diatomite material effortlessly absorbs excess moisture, ensuring quick drying of your masturbators. Hygienic Maintenance: By eliminating moisture, our sticks prevent the growth of bacteria, mold, and unpleasant odors, providing you with a safe and healthy intimate experience. Our Moisture Absorption Sticks are easy to use and maintain, making them an essential tool for your cleaning routine. They offer the utmost convenience and deliver a luxurious experience every time. Product Specifications: Size: 148x13mm (5.83x0.51inch) Material: Finest diatomite Upgrade your intimate care routine with our Moisture Absorption Sticks. Experience the ultimate combination of luxury, cleanliness, and freshness. Make every moment count.
Svakom Pulse Galaxie Clit... £70.83
Experience pleasure beyond this world with the Svakom Pulse Galaxie Clit Stimulator and Starlight Projector. This luxurious device combines innovative technology and elegant design to provide you with unparalleled satisfaction. The Svakom Pulse Galaxie is not your ordinary clit stimulator. It goes above and beyond by utilizing a unique air pulsation technology that creates a sensational suction effect. This helps to enhance stimulation and intensify your pleasure, bringing you to breathtaking new heights of ecstasy. But that's not all. The included charging dock also serves as a mesmerizing starlight projector, turning your intimate moments into a celestial experience. Choose from three starlight display modes to set the mood and create a truly magical atmosphere. With five different suction modes and five intensity levels to explore, the Svakom Pulse Galaxie allows you to customize your pleasure to suit your desires. Whether you prefer gentle caresses or powerful pulsations, this clit stimulator has you covered. Convenience and versatility are key features of the Svakom Pulse Galaxie. It can be easily controlled using the SVAKOM App, allowing you to customize your experience and explore new sensations. Plus, its long-distance play feature enables you to share intimate moments with your partner no matter where they are. Experience mind-blowing pleasure with the unique air pulsation technology Create a celestial atmosphere with the starlight projector feature Indulge in the ultimate luxury with the Svakom Pulse Galaxie Clit Stimulator and Starlight Projector. Brace yourself for an otherworldly journey of pleasure and discover a new level of satisfaction that will leave you craving more.
Stallion Delay Creme - Ma... £11.66
The Stallion Delay Creme by Nasstoys is the ultimate solution for maximizing pleasure while providing a delay in achieving orgasm. Crafted with utmost precision and care, this luxurious delay crème is designed to enhance your intimate experiences. Experience heightened pleasure and prolong your pleasure with Stallion Delay Crème. Simply apply a small amount of this exquisite crème to the head of the penis and let the magic unfold. With its powerful formula, Stallion Delay Crème allows you to take control of your pleasure and prolong the intimate moments with your partner. Maximize pleasure while delaying orgasm. Enhance your intimate experiences and prolong pleasure. Indulge in the sophisticated luxury of Stallion Delay Crème. Created with your pleasure in mind, this carefully formulated crème provides a smooth and sensual experience. With its discreet packaging, the Stallion Delay Crème is the perfect companion for those who desire a touch of luxury in their intimate moments. Experience pleasure like never before with Stallion Delay Crème by Nasstoys. Let passion take its course and indulge in the luxurious sensations that await.
Risk it or Drink it! - Ex... £20.83
The Risk it or Drink it! drinking game is the ultimate choice for those seeking hilarity and bonding with friends or loved ones. Immerse yourself in a world of laughter and excitement with this luxurious game designed to elevate your party experience. With its exquisite packaging and premium-quality cards, Risk it or Drink it! effortlessly stands out from other drinking games on the market. The attention to detail and superior craftsmanship make it a visually stunning addition to any gathering. Unleash the adventurous spirit within you as you embark on a journey of fun and revelation. Risk it or Drink it! dares you to step out of your comfort zone and discover new facets of your friends' personalities. Every turn brings new surprises and challenges, steadily building unforgettable memories. Key Features and Benefits: Engaging Gameplay: The easy-to-grasp rules of Risk it or Drink it! ensure that you spend less time deciphering complex instructions and more time enjoying the game. Share laughs and create lasting connections as you navigate through a series of exciting challenges. Bonding Experience: Turn strangers into friends and friends into best friends with this captivating drinking game. Its immersive nature encourages open conversations and genuine interactions, making it an ideal option for social gatherings, parties, and even date nights. Experience the joy of risk-taking without the need for complicated rules. Risk it or Drink it! knows that your primary focus should be on having an exceptional time with your companions. So, gather your friends, pour your favorite drinks, and let the adventure begin. Transform any event into an occasion to remember with the Risk it or Drink it! drinking game. Elevate your party experience, create cherished memories, and build stronger connections with this luxurious and entertaining addition to your entertainment repertoire.
Scandals Eyelash Lace 3-P... £24.16
Elevate your lingerie collection with the breath-taking Scandals Eyelash Lace Bra and Garter 3-Piece Set. This exquisite set showcases the perfect combination of beauty and sensuality, designed to make you feel irresistibly confident and alluring. Indulge in the luxurious allure of the delicately crafted eyelash lace, which gracefully adorns the bra and garter belt. With its intricate design and intricate detailing, this set embodies elegance and sophistication. The Eyelash Lace 3-Piece Bra Set features a bra, garter belt, and matching panties, offering a complete and captivating ensemble. Its comfortable and supportive fit ensures that you not only look sensational but also feel incredible throughout wear. Unleash your inner goddess with the seductive appeal of this 3-piece lingerie set. Experience the ultimate blend of comfort and style with the bra's adjustable straps and underwire support. Designed for those who appreciate the finer things in life, this bra set is perfect for special occasions or for adding a touch of luxury to your everyday wardrobe. Whether you're looking to surprise your partner or simply want to feel fabulous, the Scandals Eyelash Lace Bra and Garter 3-Piece Set is the epitome of elegance and allure. Make a statement with this exquisite lingerie set and embrace your femininity with confidence. Elevate your boudoir collection and indulge in the luxurious charm of the Eyelash Lace 3-Piece Bra Set today.
Lace Top Suspender Tights... £8.33
Introducing our luxurious lace top suspender tights, the perfect addition to any lingerie collection. Crafted with exquisite attention to detail, these stockings will elevate your confidence and style to new heights. Designed with passion and elegance, our lace top suspender stocking tights are a must-have for those who appreciate sophistication and sensuality. The intricate lace detailing at the top adds a touch of femininity, making them the ideal choice for any special occasion or intimate moment. Key Features and Benefits: Irresistible Elegance: The lace top design exudes a sense of refinement and opulence, instantly elevating your allure. Enhanced Comfort: Crafted from premium materials, these stockings provide a comfortable and secure fit, allowing you to move with confidence. Indulge in the feeling of sheer luxury as you slip into these lace top suspender stockings. Whether you're looking to impress your partner or simply want to embrace your inner goddess, these stockings are guaranteed to make a statement. The timeless appeal of lace combined with the seductive allure of a suspender style creates a truly captivating aesthetic. Allow yourself to feel empowered and glamorous as you embrace the beauty of these stunning tights. Embrace your sensuality with our lace top suspender tights. Channel your inner confidence and sophistication with every step, making a memorable impression wherever you go. Elevate your lingerie collection with these exquisite tights and experience a touch of luxury like never before.
Scandals Sexy Zippered Fa... £22.49
Make a statement in our Scandals Sexy Zippered Faux Leather Bodycon Dress from our Boudoir Lingerie Collection! Crafted with high-quality materials, this sleek wet-look mini dress features lace cups and a bold zipper front. Dare to be bold and turn heads in this daring and detailed piece. UK size available: 8/10, 12/14, 16/18, 20/22.
Hot Wax Candle for Tempti... £12.49
Introducing the Bound to Play Hot Wax Candle, the perfect addition to ignite desire and create an unforgettable, sensory experience. Prepare to embark on a tantalizing journey where imagination knows no boundaries. With our unscented Hot Wax Candle, you have the power to awaken your deepest desires and explore the realms of pleasure. Indulge in the seductive allure of hot wax as it slowly drips onto your partner's skin, heightening their senses and sending shivers of anticipation down their spine. Crafted with care and precision, our Hot Wax Candle guarantees a sumptuous experience filled with flickers of intense pleasure. Created using Soya Bean Wax, this exquisite candle puts safety and satisfaction at the forefront. Feel confident knowing that the rich, molten wax is entirely body-safe and hypoallergenic, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in pure bliss. Unleash your inner dominator: With the Bound to Play Hot Wax Candle, you can transform into the ultimate seducer, taking control and guiding your partner's every sensation. Unforgettable sensory experience: Revel in the exquisite combination of visual stimulation and the pleasurable warmth of the dripping wax, as it delivers unprecedented levels of pleasure. Let your fantasies run wild as you explore the depths of pleasure with the Bound to Play Hot Wax Candle. Elevate your intimate moments with the flickering seduction of its molten embrace, leaving you craving more. Experience the luxury and intensity that only the Bound to Play Hot Wax Candle can provide. Get ready to ignite passion, surrender to desire, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
Heavy Duty Nipple Clamp S... £12.49
Introducing the Bound to Please Heavy Duty Nipple Clamp, a luxurious and sensual accessory for those seeking exquisite pleasure. Crafted with precision and quality in mind, these adjustable clamps provide the perfect balance of intensity and comfort. Created for both beginners and experienced players, our heavy duty nipple clamps deliver a tantalizing pinch that will leave you craving for more. With their adjustable feature, you can easily customize the intensity to suit your desires, ensuring an experience tailored just for you. When it comes to your comfort and safety, we spared no expense. Our clamps are meticulously crafted from hypoallergenic materials, guaranteeing a worry-free experience even for those with nickel allergies. Feel confident in every moment of pleasure, knowing that you are using a high-quality, skin-friendly product. Intense Pleasure: The precise design of these clamps provides a deeply satisfying pinch, awakening your senses and enhancing your intimate moments. Adjustable Tension: With the ability to adjust the tension to your liking, you can dial in the perfect amount of pressure for your desired level of stimulation. Indulge in the world of exquisite sensations with our Bound to Please Heavy Duty Nipple Clamp. Experience the perfect balance of luxury, comfort, and pleasure as you explore new realms of intimacy. Elevate your moments of passion with a touch of sophistication that only the finest accessories can provide.
Heart Slapper Paddle with... £10.83
Introducing the Bound to Please Heart Slapper Paddle, the epitome of luxury and pleasure in the bedroom. This exquisite paddle is designed to deliver just the right amount of sensual impact during your intimate adventures. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, the Heart Slapper Paddle features a striking black design that exudes elegance and sophistication. Its unique heart cutouts not only add a touch of romance but also serve as a visual reminder of every pleasurable impact. With this paddle in your hands, you'll experience a whole new level of passion and excitement. It's the perfect companion for those who crave a little bit of punishment mixed with pleasure. Enhanced Sensation: The Heart Slapper Paddle is expertly designed to deliver a satisfying sting that heightens sensitivity and pleasure. Explore the boundaries of pleasure and surrender as you indulge in the delightful thwacks of this paddle. Premium Quality: Crafted from the finest materials, this paddle ensures durability and longevity. Its sturdy construction guarantees that it will withstand even the most intense play sessions, allowing you to explore your deepest desires without any worries. Unleash your inner desires and give in to the allure of this exquisite Heart Slapper Paddle. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or a curious beginner, this luxury accessory promises to take your intimate experiences to new heights. Indulge in the pleasure of power dynamics, exploration, and sensory play with this irresistible paddle that's bound to leave a lasting impression. Buy the Bound to Please Heart Slapper Paddle and discover the blissful combination of pain and pleasure today!
Automatic Penis Pump £35.83
Take your bedroom game to the next level with Rev-Pump Automatic Penis Pump! Featuring 3 speeds and a 30 cm product length with 20 cm insertable length, Rev-Pump helps you experience powerful suction, big dick and grow your cock like never before. Requires 3 x AAA Battery, not included. Adventure awaits!
Rainbow Fishnet Bodystock... £8.33
Unleash your vibrant style and make a bold statement with this exquisite Rainbow Fishnet Bodystocking. Perfect for those who want to embrace their colorful side, this high collar sleeveless bodystocking is the epitome of luxury and confidence. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this bodystocking is made from high-quality, breathable materials that ensure both comfort and durability. The rainbow fishnet design adds a touch of playfulness, making it ideal for spicing up a special date night or for those moments when you want to feel empowered. Designed to accentuate your curves and highlight your best features, this bodystocking effortlessly flatters your figure. The sleeveless style not only adds a sexy touch but also allows for easy movement and versatility. Enhances your confidence: With its eye-catching rainbow fishnet design and flattering fit, this bodystocking boosts your confidence and allows you to embrace your unique style. Versatile and alluring: Whether you're looking to impress your partner or add a hint of seduction to your lingerie collection, this bodystocking is the perfect choice. It effortlessly transitions from intimate nights to daring fashion statements, ensuring you always look and feel your best. Indulge in the luxury of this Rainbow Fishnet Bodystocking and let your vibrant personality shine through. Make a mesmerizing entrance and turn heads wherever you go with this statement piece that celebrates boldness and individuality. Embrace the joy of dressing up and unleash your inner diva with this must-have addition to your wardrobe.
Black Glitter Fishnet Bod... £12.49
Indulge in pure luxury with our exquisite Black Glitter Dress. Designed to make a lasting impression, this captivating dress combines glamour and allure effortlessly. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, every aspect of this dress exudes opulence and sophistication. The mesmerizing black glitter fabric catches the light in the most enchanting way, commanding attention wherever you go. As you glide through the room, the rhinestone embellishments delicately shimmer, enhancing your every move, and leaving a trail of admiration in your wake. Unleash your inner confidence as you slip into the figure-hugging fishnet bodystocking. Its flattering silhouette accentuates your curves, exuding sensuality and allure. The strategic cut-outs add an unexpected element, elevating this dress to a whole new level of daring elegance. Key features and benefits of our Black Glitter Dress: Unmatched glamour: The black glitter fabric catches and reflects light for a captivating, head-turning effect. Alluring rhinestone details: The delicately placed rhinestones enhance your elegance and add a touch of luxury to your look. This dress is available in sizes XS-M and L-2XL, ensuring the perfect fit for every body. Whether you're attending a high-profile event or a special night out, our Black Glitter Dress guarantees an unforgettable entrance that will leave a lasting impression. Dare to sparkle and unleash your inner diva with our Black Glitter Dress. Embrace the luxury, embrace the allure, and let your confidence shine like never before.
Scandals Black Sheer Stri... £23.33
Add an air of sophistication to your lingerie collection with our Scandals Black Striped Patterns Bodysuit with Garter Belt. This exquisite piece is designed to unleash your inner bombshell, making you feel confident and seductive. The striking black patterns create a bold and tantalizing look. With its perfectly placed lines, this bodysuit accentuates your curves in all the right places, ensuring a jaw-dropping silhouette. Embrace luxury with the garter belt attached to the bodysuit. This elegant feature adds a touch of femininity and allows you to complete the look with your favourite pair of stockings. Experience ultimate comfort with the lightweight and stretchy fabric. The soft and breathable material feels like a second skin, providing a pleasurable wearing experience. Whether you're looking to impress in the bedroom or showcase your unique style, this striped bodysuit is the ideal choice. Its flattering design suits all body types, making it a versatile addition to your lingerie wardrobe. Crafted with attention to detail, the crossing straps in the back create a mesmerizing visual effect, adding an element of drama and allure. Be prepared to turn heads and leave a lasting impression. Indulge in the perfect blend of style and comfort with the Scandals Black Striped Patterns Bodysuit with Garter Belt. Elevate your lingerie game and embrace your inner seductress with this luxurious piece.
Scandals Sexy Sparkle Rhi... £14.16
Be held in awe with our luxe Scandals Sexy Sparkle Rhinestone Bodystocking Dress: a captivating creation with gorgeous glitter rhinestones in a delicate netting that accentuates curves and artfully highlights alluring assets. This bewitching ensemble is sure to make a stunning statement.

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